How to Draw a Baseball

Learn how to draw a great looking Baseball with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Baseball.

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​Step by Step Instructions for Drawing​ a Baseball

How to Draw a Great Looking Baseball for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Baseball Step 01

1. Begin by drawing a circle to outline your baseball.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Baseball Step 02

2. Draw a curved line inside the baseball, attached to the circle on both ends. The line should enclose about one-quarter of the space inside the circle. This line indicates the seam of the baseball.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Baseball Step 03

3. Draw another curved line on the opposite side of the baseball, creating a mirror image. This indicates the baseball's second seam.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Baseball Step 04

4. Draw two short, curved, parallel lines extending from the seam. Allow them to connect at the end, enclosing a curved shape. Then, extend two more lines on the opposite side of the seam. These should be a mirror image of the first, forming an arrowhead shape when viewed together. Repeat this pattern all along the seam. These lines form the stitches that hold the baseball together.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Baseball Step 05

5. Continue drawing stitches until you have covered the length of the seam. For each stitch, use pairs of parallel lines to form an arrowhead pattern across the seam.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Baseball Step 06

6. Begin drawing stitches along the seam on the opposite side of the baseball. For each stitch, enclose curved shapes on each side of the seam using short, curved lines.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Baseball Step 07

7. Continue to draw stitches along the baseball's seam.

Add More Details to Your Baseball Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Baseball Step 08

8. Draw additional stitches along the baseball's seams until the seams are completely covered in stitches.

Complete the Outline of Your Baseball Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Baseball Step 09

9. Add dimension to your baseball by drawing long, curved lines parallel to the outer circle. This gives the ball a three-dimensional, rounded appearance.

Color Your Baseball Drawing

How to Draw Baseball Step 10

10. Color your baseball. In our example, we've shaded the ball brown to resemble early leather baseballs - or those that have been well-used and covered in dust. Classically, baseballs are white with red stitching. Others used in training or for children's play may be bright yellow or a variety of other colors.

Feeling sporty? Get your head in the game and learn to draw other types of sports equipment, such as a basketball or a soccer ball.

For more great Back to School drawing tutorials, see the 39 Easy and Fun Back to School Drawing Ideas post.

Easy, step by step Baseball drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Baseball Drawing

Baseball has been called "the great American pastime." The ball itself has a center made of rubber or cork that is wrapped in yarn. It is then covered with two peanut-shaped strips of leather or plastic. These strips are stitched together in a figure eight pattern.

Did you know? The yarn in the baseball can be up to one mile in length.

The baseball's stitching has more than mere aesthetic value. The raised stitching causes drag when the ball is thrown, which in turn makes the ball curve in its path through the air. The pitcher can determine the direction and angle of the curve by how the ball is thrown.

The baseball was invented during the 1800s. At that time, all the balls were handmade - usually by the baseball players themselves - and variations in size, weight, and bounce were common.

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Factories began producing baseballs in 1858. Over the years, changes and improvements were made that allowed the balls to last longer and be hit farther.

Today, baseballs are manufactured to specific standards so that performance is generally the same.

Unlike in other sports, if a baseball is hit into the stands, it is often kept by the lucky fan who retrieves it. These may become collector's items if hit by a famous player or during a historic game. Balls autographed by players such as Babe Ruth are also sought after keepsakes.

Would you like to draw a baseball? This simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial is here to help. All you will need is a pencil, pen, or marker and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Football drawing, Soccer Ball drawing, and Basketball drawing.

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