Learn how to draw a great looking Chucky's Face with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Chucky's Face.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Chucky's Face

How to Draw a Great Looking Chucky's Face for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Draw two ovals with circles inside them. Sketch overlapping curved lines above the eyes.
Drawing Step 2

2. Sketch a pupil in the center of each eye. Draw dashes around the eyes, then sketch curves underneath.
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Drawing Step 3

3. For the nose, draw a horizontal loop framed by two vertical loops. Use an uneven line with a curve underneath for the mouth. Add more dashes between the eyes.
Drawing Step 4

4. Outline the mouth with a rounded M-shape on top and a curve underneath. Sketch lines around the nose and mouth for added realism.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw a leaning oval shape above the face like a hood. Make a loop underneath the mouth for the chin, then outline the face with wide curves and add loops for the ears. Draw lines inside the chin.
Drawing Step 6

6. Add more lines above the eyes and inside the ears. For the collar, draw two curved lines and connect them to make a tube. Use straight lines to complete the neck.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw swooping curves above the face like hills. On the left, draw jagged triangles that resemble flames. Add triangles for the shoulders.
Add More Details to Your Chucky's Face Picture - Step 8

8. Repeat the previous step for the other side of the hair. Sketch curves around the hairline.
Complete the Outline of Your Chucky's Face Drawing - Step 9

9. Add more lines throughout the hair for texture.
Color Your Chucky's Face Drawing

Finally, outline Chucky's face with a black pen or marker. Use tan for the skin, orange for the hair, blue for the eyes, and muted blue and red for the shirt.
Now that you're done, try drawing another classic horror movie character, like Freddy Krueger.
Learn More About The Chucky's Face Drawing
Chucky is an evil doll that stars in horror and comedy movies. Learn how to draw Chucky's face so you can experience the creepiness yourself.
Originally, Chucky appeared in the 1988 film Child's Play, which is about a serial killer possessing a doll. This movie spawned a film series that later incorporated humor into the plot. Chucky ends up with a girlfriend and child as the series goes on.
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This cartoon Chucky's face is a little creepy. However, the cartoon style makes him friendlier and easier to draw. If you're a fan of horror movies, hang up this drawing in your room, then try another character like a cartoon skeleton.
Use your favorite markers, paints, crayons, colored pencils or oil pastels to capture the bright colors. Start with a pencil sketch so you can perfect your drawing before outlining it.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Vampire drawing, Haunted House drawing, and Cute Zombie Girl drawing.
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