Bees are increasingly popular in fashion and culture, but face threats like colony collapse disorder globally. Would you like to draw a cartoon beehive?
What is a honeycomb? You may have seen this waxy substance glistening in a jar of honey, but it originates in the beehive. Would you like to learn how to draw a honeycomb?
The stag beetle, or pinching bug, refers to approximately 900 beetle species found in North and South America, Australia, Asia, and other regions. Would you like to draw a realistic cartoon of a stag beetle?
In many cultures throughout history, the ladybug has been considered a symbol of good luck. Want to draw your own ladybug? This simple tutorial makes it easy!
Each caterpillar is unique; for instance, the silkworm caterpillar produces a fiber to hang from, much like a spider with its web. Would you like to draw your own cute and cuddly caterpillar?
According to National Geographic, "The monarch butterfly is one of the most recognizable and well-studied butterflies on the planet." Would you like to draw a cartoon of a regal monarch butterfly?
Where is your favorite park? State and national parks contain miles and miles of hiking trails. Visit the park anytime by learning to draw this cartoon!
Are your insect drawing skills bugging you? Don't worry! We've got a whole swarm of insect drawing guides to help you. Start with easy, cartoon-style drawing tutorials.