how to draw Anime and Manga Facial Expressions

The furious expression features a downturned mouth, furrowed eyebrows, and visible veins on the forehead.

Use neutral eyebrows and an open mouth. The main feature of the blushing face is the diagonal blush lines, often colored red.

A smile and negative brows pair with eyes of different sizes to indicate emotional instability.

The crying face has slanted negative brows, closed eyes, and a wide-open, rounded pentagon mouth. Lines indicate the tears.

The embarrassed face has curved brows, diagonal blush lines on the cheeks, and a wavy mouth.

The happy face has neutral eyebrows, closed eyes, blushing cheeks, and a smiling mouth with teeth.

The eyebrows of sad anime characters are highly upturned and wrinkled, creating a frowning and wide-eyed look.

Scared characters' features include wide eyes with contracted pupils, vertical lines on the forehead, and a frowning mouth.

The character's shocked expression includes wide eyes, negative brows, and an open oval mouth.

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You too can easily draw Anime and Manga Facial Expressions following the simple steps.

Learn how to draw great looking Anime and Manga Facial Expressions with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.