how to draw Batman’s Face step-by-step

You too can easily draw Batman’s Face by following the simple steps.

Learn how to draw a great looking Batman’s Face with step-by-step drawing  instructions, and video tutorial.

Begin by drawing a large circle. This will serve as a guide for sketching Batman's face.

Draw curved lines down from circle to form face shape; add 3 lines for chin.

Draw curved lines from sides of circle, to its top, then to circle's edge for ears.

Erase the guide lines from the sides of the circle.

Draw a curved line across the face, below the bottom of the circle. This forms the nose of Batman's mask.

Erase the remaining guide lines of the original circle. Notice that traces of the circle remain at the base of the ears.

Draw Batman's eyes. Use two curved lines to enclose each.

Draw curved lines diagonally from each eye to mask bottom. This forms Batman's nose.

Contour the face with a curved line near the top of the head and another down the center of the nose.

Get the full tutorial with all  drawing steps and a video  tutorial via the link below. It's FREE!