You too can easily draw Bowser from Super Mario Bros by following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Bowser from Super Mario Bros with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.
Draw half-circle for Bowser's head, overlap lines for nose & jaw, curved line to outline mouth, triangle teeth, lines for nostrils.
Draw Bowser's eyes/brows/horns, shade, line horn, draw hair/shell rim, line shell.
Draw triangular spikes emerging from the shell, erasing guide lines as necessary. Draw a curved line around the base of each.
Draw Bowser's arm: Sketch curved lines, add claws, straight line, add spikes.
Draw a series of overlapping curved lines to form Bowser's underbelly.
Draw curved lines for hand/fingers; add claws/spikes; form arm/bracelet.
Sketch Bowser's leg & foot: curved lines, bent knee, triangular toes with claws.
Draw a curved line, then extend 2 lines to meet at a point for the tail; draw triangular spikes on top.
Use curved lines to sketch the remaining leg, complete with triangular claws.
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