Begin by drawing a rectangle.
Draw two curved lines outside and two inside along the top, bottom, and corner of the rectangle.
Draw two curved lines beneath the rectangle, matching up to the lines within the rectangle.
Within the oval just formed, enclose an irregular shape using a curved line. This is the gun's trigger.
Erase the guide lines formed by the original rectangle.
Extend two long, curved lines downward from the left side of the figure. Connect the lines using an additional curved line.
In the center of the figure, draw a square. Draw a curved line from corner to corner on the left exterior side of the square.
Draw two parallel lines from top right of square, then connect with short curved line.
Extend two more parallel lines below the first set. Connect the lines using a short, curved line.
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You too can easily draw a Cartoon Revolver following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Revolver with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.