You too can easily draw a Cartoon Zombie by following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Zombie with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.
Draw semi-circle, arrow, lines, rectangles, outline mouth.
Draw a vertical line, add crooked teeth, tongue, and circle. Outline narrow, sunken zombie features and add lines around eyes.
Draw head with curved blocky edges, triangle top with heart, tattered bean-shaped ears, and facial lines.
Draw downward arrow, 2 triangle collars, 2 straight lines for neck, arm curves, sleeve curves, 2 triangle rips, head lines.
Draw straight lines with ovals for the fingers, add a curve for the arm, and connect the sleeve to it.
Draw semiovals in palm, double curves for arm, bumps near shoulder, triangles for sleeve.
Draw curves for fingers & nails; vertical lines & connect lines & triangles for shirt; ovals for buttons.
Sketch vertical lines, triangles, and lines over the knees for pants.
Draw overlapping ovals for toes, round heel on left foot. Connect toes to body with lines. Add lines in feet, pants, chest.
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