how to draw  Cinderella step-by-step

Sketch face and neck with curved lines, add headband circle and hairline with overlaps.

Use a series of curved lines to enclose Cinderella's hair and headband.

Sketch a semi-oval for the puff sleeve and connect it with a curved line to a pair of lines for the arm.

Sketch Cinderella's bodice with curved lines for neck and sides, straight lines for bottom, and a center curve below the neck.

Curve lines enclose Cinderella's gloved arm and hand, with doubled lines for fingers and shorter ones for the elbow bend.

Use curved lines to outline Cinderella's opposite arm and puff sleeve. Note the line that details the curve of the wrist.

Draw a necklace and attach it to a dress with teardrop shapes and long, curved lines.

Use curved lines to complete the dress's skirt, add scalloped lines for layers and detail the glass slipper on a foot.

Shade small circles to form Cinderella's eyes. Detail the eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth using short, curved lines.

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You too can easily draw Cinderella following the simple steps.

Learn how to draw a great looking Cinderella with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.