You too can easily draw a Cornucopia by following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Cornucopia with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.
Draw curved lines to form partial circle of connected teardrop shapes.
Use a series of overlapping curved lines to enclose the curled triangular shape of the cornucopia.
Pumpkin: Sketch circular shape, add curved rectangular stem and oval at the end, draw curved lines from the base of the stem.
Draw ears of corn: Outline with curved lines, draw "C" shapes and scalloped lines in rows.
Draw grapes, corn cob with scalloped lines, other fruit with partial circles, and leaves with curved and/or jagged lines.
Draw grapes and another fruit in a cornucopia, detailing the leaves.
Draw an eggplant with a curved line doubling back on itself, then enclose with a "W" shaped line for the sepals and stem.
Draw an apple, add two curved lines and a stem, and draw a grape leaf.
Detail and texture the basket with overlapping curved lines.
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