You too can easily draw a Chibi Pikachu Pokémon by following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Chibi Pikachu Pokémon with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.
Draw 2 circles on the right, add 2 circles inside, fill in remaining circles, draw small almond for nose, draw W-shape for mouth.
Draw a large swooping curve line for right side of mouth, loop for ear, draw a curve line for the side of the head.
Make a dome shape and add an almond shape for the right ear; draw a curve on the right side of the face.
Draw a lightly curved line, then add three small bumps and sketch another line pointing upward.
Draw a similar shape for the left leg, then add a short line connecting the two.
Make a wide loop for the left side of the body, then add another loop inside this shape.
Draw a zigzag line on the left. On the right, start with a curved V-shape, then swoop down and connect the line to the body.
Draw a L-shape on the left, make downward line, draw a V-shape and the entire shape to the body.
Draw two angled circles on both cheeks. Sketch two curved lines near the top of the ears, then add another small line for the chin.
Get the full tutorial with all drawing steps and a video tutorial via the link below. It's FREE!