You too can easily draw a Family Tree by following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Family Tree with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.
Begin by drawing the roots of the tree. Draw two curved lines, and connect them at the bottom using a series of curved lines.
Draw trunk with curved lines and contour root and trunk with more curves.
Draw trunk and branch, then branch's leafy crown; draw cloud shape with connected curves.
Continue drawing the leafy crown using a series of connected "U" shaped lines to outline the large, round, cloudlike shape.
Draw a series of connected curved lines for the tree's crown. Draw a rectangular banner beneath the tree using four lines.
Draw ovals at top of tree, add family images; draw pennants by making square and "V".
Add ovals to Family Tree to match number of family members, and customize banner with last name.
Include your grandparent's names under the first and third ovals the second and fourth ovals.
Add your own and your parents' names.
Get the full tutorial with all drawing steps and a video tutorial via the link below. It's FREE!