You too can easily draw a Lily following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Lily with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.
Begin by drawing an irregular oval, pointed and open on one end.
Draw another open, irregular oval below the first, connecting at the point of the opening.
Draw a third open, irregular oval, connected to the second.
Draw a fourth open shape using a curved line. It should connect to the third oval.
Draw "M" shape with two curved lines, closing the gap with two open ovals for flower shape.
Next, begin to extend your petals. Use curving lines to extend the three petals on the left of the flower to blunt points.
Use curved lines to extend the three petals on the right to form blunt points.
Erase the lines of the original ovals that cross your newly formed petals.
Draw two curving, parallel lines from the center of the flower, connecting them with a small oval at the tip to form the anthers.
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