The Demogorgon is a scary creature from the Netflix show Stranger Things. Demogorgons can be quite hard to draw. But with the right shapes and some patience, you can use this guide to create a Demogorgon of your own.
In the 1980s, Stephen King's It became the first horror film to feature a sociopathic clown. Would you like to use your mad art skills to draw a scary clown?
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein tells a story of a mad scientist who builds a living creature from parts stolen from corpses. This easy, step-by-step drawing guide is here to show you how to draw your own Frankenstein's Monster.
Godzilla is a huge, prehistoric reptilian sea monster who rises from the ocean to wreak havoc on unsuspecting coastal cities. Would you like to draw a cartoon of the ferocious movie monster, Godzilla?
Zombies are some of the world's most famous movie monsters. This cartoon zombie is a little scary but perfect for comic strips and imaginative stories. It will will leap off the page when you're finished.
Pennywise the Dancing Clown, also known as It, was the title character of the Stephen King novel, a television series, miniseries, and films. Would you like to draw the villainous Pennywise the clown?
Werewolves are mythological humans who turn into wolves when the full moon rises. Learn how to draw this cartoon werewolf with scary claws and fangs.