You too can easily draw a Plague Doctor by following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Plague Doctor with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.
Begin by using four curved lines to draw a curved rectangle. This will form the top of the plague doctor's hat.
Draw an "S" shape, curving the top center inwards for a 3D look.
Draw curved lines to outline mask, add circles for eyes with shading in-between, draw curved lines for beak.
Draw curved lines for the head and scarf and folds in the scarf, connecting them to the back of the mask.
Draw curves to form robe arm, then add lines to shape hand & book.
Use two overlapping curved lines to draw the top of the garment. Draw buttons using small circles.
Draw torso, arm, belt buckle; hand and lantern using curved lines and rounded rectangles.
Draw a curved line for the skirt, curved lines to enclose the shoes, and short lines for buckles/laces. Draw side of belt behind arm.
Use small lines to add detail to the plague doctor’s clothing.
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