Start with two lemon shapes for the eyes. Draw ovals inside these shapes and fill them in, then add sketchy lines above the eyes.
Sketch two curved lines and one straight line for the mouth, add a loop for each eye, and sketch two vertical lines for the nose.
Draw curved triangles for ears, connect them with a curved line, add a jagged line for the furry chin, and attach broad whiskers.
Sketch curved lines on bottom half of face and connect to ears with uneven, blade-like lines.
Create two parallel vertical lines in each ear and add perpendicular, jagged lines before drawing a curved line under the right ear.
Add additional tufts of fur, create parallel and diagonal lines, and add a hook with sketchy lines.
Draw a tuft of fur on the left with an uneven curve down, and diagonal lines with overlapping loops for the leg.
Make a curve for the right leg. Use a wavy line for the foot, then sketch more overlapping loops to outline the toes.
Use a vertical line and two loops for the other foot. To draw the tail, sketch a long loop with a few tufts of fur.
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You too can easily draw a Realistic Cat following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Realistic Cat with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.