Create the rosebud by sketching a spiral and adding curved lines to form petal edges.
Use long, sweeping curved lines to sketch the outer petals of the rose.
Use curved lines for outer petals and extend two lines from base for stem, meeting sharply.
Draw the second flower with curved lines for the outer petal, short lines for sepals, and a curved stem.
Draw second flower's petals with curved "Y" lines to show overlap.
Sketch a blooming rose with a "Y" shaped line and curved lines for petals, surrounded by a "V" shaped line.
Create a rosebud with curved lines, triangular sepals, and a half-circle connecting it to the stem.
Draw a spiral and leaves on the third flower, using long curved lines to create veins.
Add leaf veins and outline sides of leaves with curved lines to finish your rose drawing.
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You too can easily draw a Rose Outline following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Rose Outline with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.