You too can easily draw a Witch Face by following the simple steps.
Learn how to draw a great looking Witch Face with step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial.
Draw 2 eggs with circles inside, overlapping curved lines under them, plus wavy eyebrows and a curve near the left eye.
Draw a dip, two curves around it, a deep curve below, and more curves near the eyes.
Draw a heart-shaped tongue and a rectangle tooth, then semi-oval curves around the mouth.
Outline chin with dip under mouth, add oval for wart, draw curves around face, use rounded triangle with an oval for ear.
Sketch a wavy line on top of the head and another for the right ear and curves inside the ears.
Outline the hat with a sweeping curve with a rounded point at one end. Sketch curves on the forehead and over the ears.
Draw a rounded rectangle with a small rectangle inside, add an oval to the right; start the hat with 2 curved lines.
On the left, use sweeping curves to make triangle shapes like flames. Draw a wavy, uneven line on top to complete the hat.
Repeat the previous step to draw the rest of the hair.
Get the full tutorial with all drawing steps and a video tutorial via the link below. It's FREE!