how to draw  a Witch Hat step-by-step

You too can easily draw a Witch Hat by following the simple steps.

Learn how to draw a great looking Witch Hat with step-by-step drawing  instructions, and video tutorial.

Begin by sketching an incomplete teardrop shape. This outlines the opening of the hat and the bottom of its brim.

Draw a curved line across the shape, roughly parallel to its upper line. This outlines the near side of the brim.

Draw another curved line parallel to the previous line.

Draw curved lines to sketch a hat with an overlapping brim and pointed top.

Use overlapping curved lines to draw the remaining side of the hat, again noting the bend in the material.

Draw two curved lines across the hat, outlining its band.

Sketch a small rectangle inside a rectangle in the middle of the hatband. This forms the buckle.

Draw curved lines across the crown or top of the hat to give it an old and worn-out texture.

Draw a curved line between the brim and the bottom of the hat, outlining the underside of the brim.

Get the full tutorial with all  drawing steps and a video  tutorial via the link below. It's FREE!