Free Hats Coloring Pages for Kids - 17 Printable Sheets

It's been said that "the hat makes the man" because hats can say a lot about a person's job or preferences. What hat are you wearing today? Take your pick from these free hats coloring pages for kids.

You can cook up something good in a chef's hat or take on an army in a knight's helmet, Spartan helmet, or Stormtrooper helmet. Get in the game with a football helmet or explore strange new worlds in an astronaut helmet.

What time of year is it? You'll find graduation hats, witch's hats, and Santa hats to fit the season.
You will also find a few characters famous for their hats, such as the Cat in the Hat and the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.

Online Coloring Pages for Kids

Get creative with this interactive Knight Helmet coloring page. Experiment with unique color combinations and see which one looks the best!

In addition to the usual printable coloring pages, we also have online coloring available for every coloring sheet in this post!

Just scroll down, and you'll find the coloring options for each coloring page.

Free Hats Coloring Pages for Kids

Chef Hat Coloring Sheet

Chef hats are usually white, but sometimes they have some color on the brim. You can even write "Kiss the Cook" in bright red letters for a funny joke.

Sombrero Coloring Sheet

Brightly colored sombreros are well-known hats from Mexico. You can use any colors you like to customize this wide-brimmed sun hat.

Top Hat Coloring Sheet

Wear a fancy fedora with your next outfit. Brown straw fedoras pair well with shorts and Hawaiian shirts, while black fedoras go with suits and ties.

Graduation Cap Coloring Sheet

Mortarboard graduation hats are usually black or the school's signature color. The tassel might be gold, school colors, or some other meaningful color. You can express yourself by drawing a message on the flat top.

Football Helmet Coloring Sheet

Color this football helmet to support your favorite team. You can draw their mascot or your favorite player's number on the side.

Stormtrooper Helmet Coloring Sheet

Stormtroopers have white helmets with black details. Captain Phasma wore a silver helmet, and Sith Troopers have red uniforms. Sabine Wren paints graffiti on stormtrooper helmets.

Santa Hat Coloring Sheet

Most Santa hats are red with white trim. You could also color warm winter hats in other colors.

Knight Helmet Coloring Sheet

Knights usually wore silvery metal armor with brightly colored feather plumes on top. Don't let your armor get rusty!

Cartoon Cowboy Hat Coloring Sheet

Cowboy hats come in lots of colors. Traditionally, they are brown, black, gray, or white, but you can also find them in bright pink, covered with sparkles, and many other colors.

Witch Hat Coloring Sheet

Witch hats are usually black, but sometimes they are other dark colors - green, brown, or red, for example.

Spartan Helmet Coloring Sheet

Spartan helmets were made from metal, gleaming silvery, gold, or bronze in the sunlight. They often had bright red plumes on top.

Astronaut Helmet Coloring Sheet

Spacesuits are usually white to help astronauts be visible against the blackness of space. The bubble-like face shield is blue or yellow to reflect the intense rays of the sun.

Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland Coloring Sheet

The Mad Hatter has white hair. He wears a green hat, shirt, pants, and bowtie, and a yellow jacket.

Cat in The Hat Coloring Sheet

The Cat in the Hat has black and white fur. He is famous for his red and white striped stovepipe hat.

Pirate Hat Coloring Sheet

Aargh, matey! Color your own pirate hat. This captain's hat is usually black with a white skull and crossbones. You can choose the colors of the feather and the bandana.

Baseball Cap Coloring Sheet

Support your favorite sports team by coloring this hat in their team colors. You can even draw their logo on the front of the cap.

Cowboy Hat Coloring Sheet

Giddy up with yet another cowboy hat. Choose your favorite colors for the felt hat and its bedazzled hat band.

Which of these hat coloring pages was your favorite?

Could you find one that matches what you want to be when you grow up?

Here's a fun activity idea. Cut strips of paper and tape or glue them to make a circle. Fit the circle to your head to make a headband. Then, download, print, color, and cut out each of the hats above. Glue or tape a hat to each headband. Then, you will have lots of costumes to play dress-up with!

See a Google Web Story of this Hats Coloring Ideas Blog Post.

Free Hats Coloring Pages for Kids Pinterest Image
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