If you are a kid looking for something to pass the time this summer, this snow day, or this rainy afternoon, you have come to the right place. You will have hours of entertainment with these free fun coloring pages for kids.
All you have to do is choose your favorite pictures, download them, and print them out. Then, use your crayons, colored pencils, or markers to add color to the pictures.

What if you don't have a printer - or it is out of paper or ink? No worries! You can also color the pictures online.
So, what fun coloring sheets will you find below? There are tons of adorable animals from the ocean or the pet store. There are even more featuring your favorite characters from Super Mario, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Marvel Comics, Bluey, Disney, and so much more.
Online Coloring Pages for Kids
Get creative with this interactive Donald Duck coloring page. Experiment with unique color combinations and see which one looks the best!
In addition to the usual printable coloring pages, we also have online coloring available for every coloring sheet in this post!
Just scroll down, and you'll find the coloring options for each coloring page.
Free Fun Coloring Pages for Kids
Seahorse Coloring Sheet
Spend some time under the sea with this brightly-colored seahorse. Did you know? Seahorses are the only animals in which males give birth!

Princess Peach from Super Mario Bros Coloring Sheet
Blonde hair, a pink dress, and bedazzled with red rubies and blue sapphires, Peach is a classically styled princess from a classic video game.

Cute, Easy Dragon for Kids Coloring Sheet
Do you dream of life on dragon wings? You can choose the color of your lifelong draconic companion. Choose wisely so that your dragon matches your personality!

Rarity from My Little Pony Coloring Sheet
Spend the day with Rarity in Ponyville. She has white fur, a white unicorn horn, a purple mane and tail, and blue diamond-shaped cutie marks on her hip.

Cartoon Shark Coloring Sheet
From the duh-dun of Jaws to the do-do-do of Baby Shark, this toothy fish is your companion for Shark Week this year. Many sharks are grey in color with lighter bellies.

Squad Coloring Sheet
Make memories with your squad! Can you draw and color hair and outfits on these plain characters? It's up to you to get them ready for a selfie worth sharing!

Baby Groot Coloring Sheet
"We are Groot." Help this twiggy Guardian of the Galaxy grow to new heights by coloring his brown bark and green leaves.

Heart Hands Coloring Sheet
Share the love with this heart-shaped gesture. Color the hands to match your skin tone or that of your friends. Use more than one color in a symbol of unity! Don't forget to polish the nails.

Clown Face Coloring Sheet
Funny or frightful? You can decide as you color this clown's makeup, hair, hat, and bow tie. Clowns traditionally have a bright red nose and multicolored accessories.

Luke Skywalker Coloring Sheet
Dressed in the colors of the desert (tan and beige, to be sure) this farm boy from Tatooine wanted to make his mark on the galaxy. He carried Anakin's blue lightsaber before crafting his own green blade.

Doraemon Coloring Sheet
Doraemon is just one of many anime characters on our list. The earless cat has blue fur with white markings, a red nose, and a red collar with a golden bell.

Bart Simpson Coloring Sheet
Bart is one of the longest-running cartoon characters on television. He has bright yellow skin and hair, a red t-shirt, blue shorts, and blue and white tennis shoes.

Sully from Monsters, Inc. Coloring Sheet
Boo's kitty-like friend has long blue fur with purple spots. Don't be scared - you would be happy to find this monster living in your closet.

Bluey Coloring Sheet
Say hello to your favorite friend from Australia! As her name suggests, Bluey has blue fur - a sky-blue coat with dark blue spots and lighter blue markings. She also has a tan muzzle and inner ears.

Hot Air Balloon Coloring Sheet
Float up, up, and away in your very own hot air balloon. You can choose two, three, or more bright colors to create a festive pattern. Don't forget to shade the blue sky.

Balloons Coloring Sheet
Balloons come in every color of the rainbow. You can use all your favorite colors on this balloon bouquet, or choose your school colors, team colors, or match them to the theme of your next event.

Donald Duck Coloring Sheet
Donald has white feathers and an orange beak. He wears a blue hat. His color scheme is the opposite of Daffy, his Looney Tunes rival, below.

Daffy Duck Coloring Sheet
Daffy Duck has black feathers, a white band around his neck, and an orange beak and feet. His colors are opposite those of his Disney counterpart, Donald Duck, listed above.

Christmas House Coloring Sheet
Get in the spirit of the season when you color this tasty-looking gingerbread house. It is decked out with candy canes, gumdrops, and is that icing or snow?

Bracelet Coloring Sheet
Friendship bracelets have been all the rage since Taylor Swift's Eras tour. Color your own and trade with a friend to immortalize your summer together.

Floral Design Coloring Sheet
Add this classic floral design to your notebook, your wall, or a picture frame. Color the flowers naturally - colorful petals and green leaves - or use unreal colors like solid gold.

Mario Mushroom Coloring Sheet
This famous toadstool is red with white spots. Its face - also its stem - is cream-colored. Of course, that's just the standard mushroom. Different kinds come in bold colors!

Metal Sonic Coloring Sheet
Sonic is blue with red and white tennis shoes - and so is his metallic, robotic counterpart. He also has glowing red eyes and yellow accents.

Easy Gnome Coloring Sheet
Most gnomes wear red pointed hats. They have long white or gray beards. Their clothes come in many colors, for example, red, blue, green, or brown.

Squirtle Pokémon Coloring Sheet
Start your Pokémon journey with Squirtle at your side! This starter Pokémon is also a great coloring project for beginners. Squirtle has blue skin and a brown and yellow shell.

Eevee from Pokémon Coloring Sheet
Did you color Squirtle, above? Continue to build your team of six with Eevee. Eevee has brown fur with a cream-colored ruff and tail tip.

Cute German Shepherd Dog Coloring Sheet
German shepherds are generally brown with black across their backs, ears, and faces. Some are solid white or solid black.

Cute Narwhal Coloring Sheet
Narwhals are called unicorn fish - although they are whales (mammals) and their "horns" are actually tusks (teeth). Real narwhals are brown and cream, but fictional ones are pink, blue, or other colors.

Father and Son Coloring Sheet
Color a picture of you and your dad! Do you have the same hair color? Do you dress to match? Customize this picture.

Cute Caterpillar Coloring Sheet
The very hungry caterpillar is green with a red head. Monarch butterfly caterpillars have black, white, and yellow stripes.

Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony Coloring Sheet
This pretty alicorn has a light purple body. Her mane and tail are dark blue, purple, and pink. Her cutie mark is bright pink with white sparkles around it.

Stewie Griffin from Family Guy Coloring Sheet
This football-headed toddler has peach skin, a yellow shirt, red overalls, and light blue shoes.

Impossible Star Coloring Sheet
Color this impossible five-pointed shape with different shades of the same color to indicate shadows and highlights. Or use all the colors in your box of crayons.

Goofy Coloring Sheet
Ah-hyuck! Goofy has black fur and a peach muzzle. He wears a reddish-brown shirt and a hat that is alternately green, yellow, blue, or brown.

Mecha Coloring Sheet
If you had your very own mecha robot suit, what color or colors would it be? A patriotic red, white, and blue? Sporty orange? Or shades of Barbie pink? The choice is yours.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Coloring Sheet
If mint chocolate chip is your favorite flavor, you know that it is green with brown chips. Don't like mint chocolate? You can use other colors to indicate your favorite flavors.

Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender Coloring Sheet
Aang has light peach-colored skin. His hairless head is marked by a light blue arrow, and he wears a light orange tunic.

Luca Coloring Sheet
Luca is a fish out of water. He has brown hair and eyes and a reddish, ruddy face. But when wet, he turns into a purple and green sea monster!

Sci-Fi Landscape Coloring Sheet
Is the bubbling goo green, purple, or an ominous red? Are the rocks gray and brown like on Earth, or do they come in amazing colors? Is that yellow Saturn in the distance, or some other ringed gas giant?

Elmo from Sesame Street Coloring Sheet
Elmo is a furry red monster. He has a big orange nose and large white eyes. Don't forget, Elmo loves you!

Courage the Cowardly Dog Coloring Sheet
Is Courage hairless, or is it his fur that is pink? He also has brown ears, a brown nose, black spots, and yellowed teeth.

Easy Cartoon Cake Coloring Sheet
Cakes are fantastic for all sorts of occasions! Ice this one with bright colors and fondant flowers. Keep the color scheme simple or use all your favorite colors!

Cute Christmas Cat Coloring Sheet
This cute kitten wears a red and white Santa hat and a matching bow. What colors and patterns adorn her fur? That is up to you.

Easy Christmas Tree Coloring Sheet
Color this evergreen tree green of course! Use classic red and green ornaments or all of the colors at your disposal.

Bender from Futurama Coloring Sheet
This android is metallic gray in color. After all, he is a metal man. His eyes and teeth are light yellow.

Funny Cat in a Box Coloring Sheet
Love to watch cute cat videos? You'll love this coloring page. Cats love to play in boxes. Is this one a gray tabby or an orange marmalade? The choice is yours.

Rainbow Coloring Sheet
Have you met Roy G. Biv? It isn't a person - it is an acronym to help you remember the colors of the rainbow.

Cute Dog Coloring Sheet
This cute pup could be a yellow golden retriever, or a brown and black German shepherd puppy to accompany the grown-up dog above.

Father and Daughter Coloring Sheet
Did you color the father and son above? If you're a daddy's girl, you can customize this family portrait.

Poké Ball Coloring Sheet
If you're going to train the Eevee and Squirtle above, you will need a few Poké balls to keep your catches in. Standard Poké balls are red and white, while specialty balls are other colors.

Coloring Sheet
Natsu has peach-colored skin and spiky pink hair. He wears a black shirt and a white striped scarf.

Easy Friday Night Funkin Character Coloring Sheet
Boyfriend has blue hair. He wears a red cap with a blue bill, a pink shirt with a red logo, blue jeans, and red tennis shoes with white laces.

Funny Face Coloring Sheet
Clowns like this one often have brightly colored hair and red, round noses. Their lips, cheeks, eyes, and eyebrows are painted with exaggerated colors.

Funny Taco Coloring Sheet
Every day can be Taco Tuesday when you color this cute character. Make his shell a typical golden yellow or a spicy red. Don't forget the green lettuce, brown meat, and yellow cheese.

Astronaut Coloring Sheet
Astronauts' spacesuits are usually white so they can be easily spotted against the blackness of space. Their visors are blue or gold to reflect the rays of the sun.

Fireworks Coloring Sheet
Fireworks paint bright colors across the sky. Their rocket-like packaging also comes in bright colors.

Free Simple Coloring Pages for Kids - Which One Was Your Favorite?
Did you find your favorite character above? Did you color him or her in classic style, or did you get creative and use your own choice of colors? There are no wrong answers - this cartoon world is yours to explore.
Try this: Make a coloring book to take with you on the go or gift to a friend. Print out a collection of your favorite coloring pages and bind them together with staples, glue, tape, ribbon, or string.
See a Google Web Story of this Fun Coloring Ideas Blog Post.