Learn how to draw a great looking Blippi with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Blippi.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Blippi

How to Draw a Great Looking Blippi for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin your Blippi outline by drawing his eyes. Use curved lines to draw the double-pointed shapes of the eyes.
Then draw two successively smaller circles inside each eye. Shade the smaller circles to indicate the pupils.
Drawing Step 2

2. Enclose Blippi’s glasses around his eyes. Use curved lines to outline the half-circle shapes over the eyes with their rectangular sides.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Enclose a half-circle shape with rounded corners around each eye, parallel to the outside of the glasses frames. These are the lenses. Then trace the nose using two curved lines.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use a big “U” shaped line to outline Bippi’s face beneath the glasses.
Use a curved line and a “U” shaped line to sketch his open, smiling mouth. Draw another curved line across the mouth to indicate the teeth.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw another curved line across the mouth to indicate the tongue. Contour the chin with a curved line.
Then, draw a long curved line above the glasses, and connect it to the glasses with two sets of short lines. This is the bottom of Blippi’s hat.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw an even longer line around the top of Blippi’s head, connected on each side. Below the hat, use curved lines to enclose the teardrop shapes of his eyebrows.
Drawing Step 7

7. Use a long curved line to draw a shape along Blippi’s cheeks and above his mouth. This outlines his beard. Then, use a curved line to enclose his ear on the side of his head.
Add More Details to Your Blippi Picture - Step 8

8. Use a curved line to enclose an ear on the opposite side. Then Use “Y” shaped lines to contour inside the ears. Enclose a small half-circle shape on top of Blippi’s hat.
Complete the Outline of Your Blippi Drawing - Step 9

9. Detail the front of the hat with curved lines.
Color Your Blippi Drawing

Your Blippi outline is now complete. Color your smiling character. Blippi has peach-colored skin, brown eyes, a brown beard, orange glasses, and a blue and orange hat.
For more great people drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy How to Draw People Tutorials.
Learn More About The Blippi Drawing
Do you like to sing along, learn, and play with Blippi? Now you can draw him, too! This easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial will teach you how to draw Blippi right now.
Blippi is a fun and educational character who inspires everyone from preschoolers and parents to be curious and explore.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Blippi's logos are a pair of glasses and a bow tie. Before you get started on the portrait below, you can expand your drawing skills by learning how to draw glasses and checking out this bow tie drawing.
Get your pencil and paper ready, and don't forget your orange and blue crayons so you can dress Blippi in his signature colors.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw Indiana Jones or Captain Jack Sparrow Drawing tutorials.
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