Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Cloud with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cartoon Cloud.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cartoon Cloud

How to Draw a Great Looking Cartoon Cloud for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cartoon cloud outline by drawing a curved line.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw a "C" shaped line intersected by the first line. From it, extend another curved line.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Intersecting the lines added in Step 2, draw a long curved line followed by a short curved line.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw a curved line intersected by the lines drawn in the previous step. Then, draw an unconnected curved line in the vicinity of the lines from Step 2.
Drawing Step 5

5. Extend another curved line above the original curved line. You can now see your cloud taking shape, thicker on one side and trailing on the other as if blown about by the wind.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw another curved line overlapping the line drawn in the previous step.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw more curved lines connected to or overlapping those from previous steps.
Add More Details to Your Cartoon Cloud Picture - Step 8

8. Extend the final curved line, completing the outline of the cloud.
Complete the Outline of Your Cartoon Cloud Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw a few smaller clouds trailing behind the large one. Enclose an oval and an irregular rounded shape.
Color Your Cartoon Cloud Drawing

Your cartoon cloud outline is now complete.
We often think of clouds as fluffy and white, so you may decide to leave your cloud uncolored. Or, you can add some light shading as seen in our illustration.
Notice how triangular shapes are shaded on the right side of the upper lobes of the cloud. Near the bottom of the cloud, you can draw a line parallel to the edge, then shade between it and the edge.
For a white cloud, use a light blue or gray for your shading. Or, you can use dark colors for a stormcloud or warm colors for sunset clouds as discussed above.
For more great easy things drawing tutorials, see the collection of Cute How to Draw Easy Things Art Projects.
Learn More About The Cartoon Cloud Drawing
If you are puzzled over how to draw clouds, you've come to the right place. Check out this easy, step-by-step cartoon cloud drawing guide for your next project.
This cloud is an irregular shape formed by overlapping curved lines. Once you've mastered this tutorial, challenge yourself to experiment with other cloud shapes employing the techniques you've learned.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Pay attention, too, to the shading in our example illustration. This affords the cloud a realistic three-dimensional appearance.
You can also play with the color of the cloud to help set your scene. For example, you can create a storm cloud drawing by coloring your clouds gray and adding streaks of lightning. Or, you can enhance a sunset drawing by shading the clouds in pink, purple, and orange hues.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw an Anemometer or Water Cycle Drawing tutorials.
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