How to Draw an Easy Cartoon Frog

Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Cartoon Frog with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Cartoon Frog.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Frog

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Cartoon Frog for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 01

1. Begin the easy cartoon frog outline by drawing a series of overlapping curved lines. First, draw two curved lines to begin the oval shape of the frog's face. Extend two more curved lines below these to begin outlining the body.

Drawing Step 2

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 02

2. Draw another, slightly larger oval,2. Next, sketch the frog's legs. From the side of the body, extend a curved line and double it back upon itself to form a gentle point. Repeat on the opposite side. below and overlapping the first. This will form the frog's body.

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Drawing Step 3

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 03

3. Next, draw the frog's rear feet. At the bottom of the back leg, extend a "V" shaped line. Draw another "V" shaped line overlapping the first. Repeat on the opposite side.

Drawing Step 4

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 04

4. Draw one more "V" shaped line on each foot, forming the third toe. At the tip of the "V," allow the line to travel upward, continuing the outline of the leg.

Drawing Step 5

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 05

5. Draw a curved line across each leg, representing the bend of the knee and the overlap of the top and bottom of the leg.

Drawing Step 6

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 06

6. Draw the frog's eyes. Continue the line of the head, and extend it upward to form each eye ridge.

Connect it to the other side to completely enclose the head. In each ridge, use two curved lines to trace the half-circle shapes of the eyes. Inside each eye, draw a circle within a circle and shade between them to indicate the pupils.

Drawing Step 7

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 07

7. Draw a long curved line to form the smiling mouth. Trace a short curved line at each corner.

Add More Details to Your Easy Cartoon Frog Picture - Step 8

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 08

8. Draw the frog's front legs. From the shoulders and the middle of the torso, extend two pairs of curved lines. Use overlapping "U" shaped lines to enclose four toes on each foot. Then, draw a curved line between the forelegs to enclose the body of the easy cartoon frog.

Complete the Outline of Your Easy Cartoon Frog Drawing - Step 9

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 09

9. Complete your easy cartoon frog outline by drawing circular spots on his legs, shoulders, and face.

Color Your Easy Cartoon Frog Drawing

Easy Cartoon Frog step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your easy cartoon frog. We've shaded ours in green, which is a common color for frogs in many places. But there are some frogs that display bright colors, including red, orange, yellow, blue, and black!

Easy, step by step Easy Cartoon Frog drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Easy Cartoon Frog Drawing

Would you like to learn how to draw an easy cartoon frog? Simply follow the steps below, and you can create an easy cartoon frog outline in no time.

Frogs are amphibians - animals that spend part of their lives underwater and part on land. They are well known for their ability to jump; for their sticky tongue, which they use to catch insects; and for their life cycle of metamorphosis. This includes amazing changes from a jelly-like egg, to a fish-like tadpole, to the adult frog.

Frogs live all over the world. Likely, you can find frogs wherever you live. They need water to survive and are often found in ponds and other bodies of water. They are often associated with lily pads.

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Frogs are also very noisy animals. They call to one another, expanding their throats with air. In tropical regions, poison dart frogs secrete a toxin that hunters use to take down large animals with a blow dart or a bow and arrow. As for the frog, it prevents them from being eaten.

Some frogs also have sticky feet that allow them to cling to leaves and even glass! If you look out your window at night, you might find a treefrog stuck tight to it, hunting for bugs.

Learning about frogs is ribbit-ing, and so is drawing them! Catch this drawing guide before it hops away.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Pelican drawing, Swan drawing, and Duck drawing.

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