How to Draw a Monster Truck

Learn how to draw a great looking Monster Truck with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Monster Truck.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Monster Truck

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How to Draw a Great Looking Monster Truck for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to draw a monster truck Step: 1

Begin by drawing a parallelogram - A rectangle in which the top line is shorter than the bottom line. This will form the truck's windshield.

Drawing Step 2

How to draw a monster truck Step: 2

From the top corners and one of the bottom corners, extend straight, parallel lines. This three dimensional form outlines the cab of the truck.

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Drawing Step 3

How to draw a monster truck Step: 3

Enclose the cab of the truck and the truck bed using straight lines.

Drawing Step 4

How to draw a monster truck Step: 4

Extend a straight line downward from the end of the truck bed. From this line, draw a short, straight line parallel with the top of the truck bed, then another straight line extending downward. This outlines the back of the truck. To outline the bottom of the truck frame, complete with the wheel wells, draw a short, straight line, a curved line, and a straight line, followed by another curved line and straight line.

Drawing Step 5

How to draw a monster truck Step: 5

Draw the truck's front bumper. Begin by drawing two long, parallel curved lines. Connect the lines using short, slightly curved lines. Add detail to the corner of the bumper using short curved lines.

Drawing Step 6

How to draw a monster truck Step: 6

Outline the front of the truck and the hood. Draw lines upward from the corners of the bumper. Connect them using a straight line. Then, draw lines from the top of this rectangle to the corners of the windshield. Finally, draw a line from the windshield to the bottom of the truck.

Drawing Step 7

How to draw a monster truck Step: 7

Draw a smaller parallelogram within the windshield, and a smaller rectangle within the passenger window.

Drawing Step 8

How to draw a monster truck Step: 8

Draw wavy lines across the windows. These lines indicate reflections on the window glass.

Drawing Step 9

How to draw a monster truck Step: 9

Draw two large ovals beneath the truck's wheel wells.

Drawing Step 10

How to draw a monster truck Step: 10

Draw curved lines from the top of the ovals to the truck body, and to the bottom of the ovals. This encloses the surface of the tires.

Drawing Step 11

How to draw a monster truck Step: 11

Draw another tire on the opposite side of the truck, using an oval and a curved line.

Drawing Step 12

How to draw a monster truck Step: 12

Draw a small circle within a small circle in the middle of each tire. This forms the hub caps.

Drawing Step 13

How to draw a monster truck Step: 13

Draw a chevron pattern across the surface of each tire, giving the tires tread. To draw this pattern, extend two parallel lines diagonally from the side of the tire to its center. Connect parallel lines from the other side, on the opposite diagonal. Repeat this pattern across the surface of the tire.

Drawing Step 14

How to draw a monster truck Step: 14

Draw mirrors on each side of the truck using small rectangles.

Drawing Step 15

How to draw a monster truck Step: 15

Draw two small rectangles on the front of the truck to indicate headlights. Draw a larger rectangle between the headlights to form the grill.

Drawing Step 16

How to draw a monster truck Step: 16

Detail the truck. Draw vertical lines across the grill, and draw a curved line across each headlight. Draw several narrow, diagonal parallelograms on the side of the truck.

Drawing Step 17

How to draw a monster truck Step: 17

Draw the axle between the front wheels. Begin with a circle. Extend parallel lines from the circle to the wheel. As needed, connect the lines using a short, curved line. Draw a curved line through the circle.

Drawing Step 18

How to draw a monster truck Step: 18

Draw a circle within a circle around the axle, where it connects to the far wheel. Using curved lines, detail the underside of the truck below the bumper, and within each wheel well.

Drawing Step 19

How to draw a monster truck Step: 19

Draw a straight line down the side of the truck and across the truck bed.

Drawing Step 20

How to draw a monster truck Step: 20

Color your monster truck.

Easy, step by step Monster Truck drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Monster Truck Drawing

Monster trucks are specially fitted pickup trucks and SUVs used in competitions. Most monster trucks are twelve feet wide, twelve feet tall, and have sixty-six inch tires.

Monster truck competitions usually feature a race and a freestyle event, in which the trucks jump over obstacles, do wheelies and flips, and crush other vehicles.

The appeal of monster trucks is not lost on the animation industry. Numerous children's movies and series have featured monster truck characters, such as the 2006 Discovery Kids series Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Mighty Monster Trucks.

In 2016, Paramount and Nickelodeon's animated film Monster Trucks was released, featuring a truck inhabited by an actual monster.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Would you like to draw your very own monster truck? Now you can, using this easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial.

All you will need is a pencil and a piece of paper. You may also want to have an eraser handy and something with which to color your finished drawing, such as crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paints. In each step, new lines are shown in blue.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Train drawing, Revolver drawing, and House drawing.

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