Learn how to draw a great looking Scary Pumpkin with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Scary Pumpkin.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Scary Pumpkin

How to Draw a Great Looking Scary Pumpkin for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Draw two diagonal slashes near the center of the page. Sketch horizontal curves underneath, then connect the lines with vertical curves. Add a dash above each eye.
Drawing Step 2

2. Add sketchy lines between, below and above the eyes. Outline the nostrils with two triangles, and use wiggly lines for the veins.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw jagged triangles like mountains beneath the eyes. Add a dash on either side of the mouth, then complete the expression with vertical curves and short dashes.
Drawing Step 4

4. Sketch more triangles and straight lines. The overall face should resemble a Halloween pumpkin drawing.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw four wide curves beneath the mouth like the bottom of an apple. Sketch diagonal lines on either side of the mouth.
Drawing Step 6

6. Top the face with two hills and a semi-rectangle in between.
Drawing Step 7

7. Sketch the leaves with loose teardrop shapes. Add a line inside each one, and cut a circle out of the right leaf.
Add More Details to Your Scary Pumpkin Picture - Step 8

8. Draw a curve on the pumpkin's right side, then start another leaf with a triangle.
Add two vertical lines for the stem, draw two vertical lines that point to the right and sketch two short vertical lines that point downward. Complete the shape with a wavy line.
Sketch two straight lines inside the stem for added texture.
Complete the Outline of Your Scary Pumpkin Drawing - Step 9

9. Add a wide curve on the pumpkin's left side. Finally, outline your scary pumpkin drawing with black ink.
If you have pens or markers, try using thinner widths for the small details and thicker widths for the main outline.
Color Your Scary Pumpkin Drawing

Color the eyes and inside of the mouth pale yellow, then use orange shades that gradually become darker around the face. Make the leaves and stem dark green.
Now that you're the pumpkin expert, try sketching an entire pumpkin patch drawing.
For more great scary drawing tutorials, see the collection of Simple Scary Art Projects.
Learn More About The Scary Pumpkin Drawing
Scary pumpkins, also known as jack-o'-lanterns, originated in Europe as carved turnips. Learn how to draw a scary pumpkin with your favorite Halloween colors.
"Jack" comes from an Irish legend about a man who wanders Earth with a lantern after God and the devil exiled him. With a creepy face and mysterious inner light, this scary pumpkin references the eerie tale.
This easy step-by-step guide challenges you to shade with gradients. Instead of using color blocks, you'll lightly blend the hues with a crayon or colored pencil.
Start with bright orange in the center, then use increasingly darker colors until you reach deep reddish-orange.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Pterodactyl or Siren Head Drawing tutorials.
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