Learn how to draw a great looking Sunflower with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Sunflower.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Sunflower

How to Draw a Great Looking Sunflower for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing a circle. This will form the center of the flower, often called the eye or disk.
Drawing Step 2

2. Extend pairs of curved lines from the flower's eye, allowing the lines in each set to meet in a sharp point. Repeat this process around the entire circle. Thus are formed the flower's petals.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Between each petal, draw a pair of shorter, curved lines, allowing the lines to meet in a sharp point. These lines form a second layer of petals behind the first.
Drawing Step 4

4. Between each of the near and far petals, draw a pair of short, curved lines that meet in a point. These triangular figures form yet another layer of petals behind the first two layers.
Drawing Step 5

5. Within the circle of the flower's eye, draw another, smaller circle, adding detail to the flower's center.
Drawing Step 6

6. Beneath the flower, extend two long, curving, parallel lines. Allow the lines to meet at a point. This forms the flower's stem.
Drawing Step 7

7. Extend two curved lines from one side of the stem, allowing them to meet in a point similar to that of the petals. This forms the flower's leaf. Then, draw a curved line from the base of the leaf to its tip, indicating the leaf vein.
Add More Details to Your Sunflower Picture - Step 8

8. Continue to detail the leaf by adding additional veins. Do so by drawing short, straight or slightly curved lines from the central leaf vein to the outside edge of the leaf.
Complete the Outline of Your Sunflower Drawing - Step 9

9. Add a random assortment of small dots and circles to the eye of the flower. This indicates the texture of the seed bearing central disk, which is actually a collection of small flowers.
Color Your Sunflower Drawing

10. Color your sunflower. Most sunflowers are yellow with brown centers and green leaves. Some sunflowers, however, are red, orange, purple, or rust colored.
For more great Flower drawing tutorials, see the 29 Simple Flower Drawing Ideas post.
For more easy flower drawing tutorials, see the collection of Ideas for Flower Art Projects.
For all flower drawings, see the Step-by-Step Guides to Draw Flowers Easily page.
Learn More About The Sunflower Drawing
Sunflowers are a well known sight across much of the world. Their scientific name, Helianthus, can literally be translated "sun flower," from the Greek words helios (sun) and anthos (flower).
The sunflower's name describes the behavior of this large plant, as its blossoms turn to follow the sun in its daily march across the sky.
The yellow flowers themselves are alsothought to resemble the sun.
There are about 70 varieties of sunflower, and they are farmed for their beauty as well as their seeds, which both humans and animals find to be tasty and nutritious.
Wild sunflowers are native to North and South America, and the sunflower is one of only four agricultural plants to be domesticated by the Native Americans.
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Sunflowers have featured prominently in artwork. Native Americans not only made representations of the flower itself, but used its seeds as ornamentation.
In the late 1800's, famed painter Vincent Van Gogh produced two series of paintings featuring sunflowers.
Sunflowers were also used extensively in the artwork of Disney's animated film, Pocahantas (1995).
The large, bright flowers gained popularity as a design element in clothing and home decor during the 1960's and 1970's, and are still used as such today.
Would you like to add cheerful sunflower designs to your room, your clothing, your school supplies, or your artwork?
Doing so is easier than ever with this simple, step-by-step drawing guide.
All you will need is a pencil and a piece of paper, and perhaps an eraser, crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paints.
Simply follow the instructions of the written steps, along with the accompanying illustrations.
In each step, new lines are shown in light blue. Using this easy drawing guide, you will soon "grow" an entire garden of sunflowers!
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Tulip or Lotus Flower Drawing tutorials.
See also, Art Project: Drawing a Lily.
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