A beginner-friendly guide to learning how to draw a great-looking Angry Anime Girl with easy, step by step drawing instructions and video tutorial. Great for beginner artists!

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Anger is an emotion we all experience from time to time when things are going wrong. As such, anger is an emotion that your characters should naturally feel due to conflict in your story.
Your manga characters can show their anger when you learn from this easy, step-by-step angry anime girl drawing guide.
An angry anime or manga girl is often used as a comical plot element, with embarrassment over a funny situation turning to rage.
Characters may also become angry when about to fight, when treated unfairly, or when facing real-world problems.
Step-by-Step Tutorial for Drawing an Angry Anime Girl

Below, you will learn how to draw an angry anime girl face.
Angry Anime Girl drawing - Step 1

1. Begin by outlining the angry face and drawing a pair of grid lines across it. Those grid lines will help you to accurately place the girl's angry expression.
Angry Anime Girl drawing - Step 2

2. Draw the eyes resting on the horizontal grid line, with the darkened corners pointing to the ends of the line. Notice that the pupils are small but the eyes are open wide with large irises.
Draw the knitted or furrowed eyebrows crossing over the tops of the eyes. The eyebrows should be slanted downward near the vertical grid line.
Angry Anime Girl drawing - Step 3

3. Erase the horizontal grid line and center the mouth over the vertical line. Place the nose above it, to one side of the vertical line.
Draw short lines around the bottoms of the eyes, and use long curved lines that meet at jagged points to begin drawing the hair.
Angry Anime Girl drawing - Step 4

4. Erase the remaining grid line. Then, use a long curved line to sketch the hair around the head. The ends of the anime girl's short hair consist of jagged lines.
Angry Anime Girl drawing - Step 5

5. Erase the unnecessary lines from the head and hair. Indicate the neck and the part in the hair with curved lines. Then, use three "V" shaped lines to sketch a three-pronged starburst shape on the side of the head. This mimics the appearance of bulging blood vessels, which occur when someone's blood pressure goes up due to anger.
Angry Anime Girl drawing - Step 6

6. Color your angry anime girl.
What to draw next?
This girl is angry now, but she won't always be. Can you change her facial expression to make her happy? Sad?
What about your male characters? Can you apply the same changes - bulging blood vessels, knitted eyebrows, gritted teeth, and red coloration - to them? You could start with this anime crying face drawing. Or this anime smiling face drawing.
You can find many more drawings of anime characters and emotions on this page.
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