You don't need to use money to buy an expensive greeting card when you want to send a message to someone. You can color one of these free greeting cards coloring pages for kids.

You can use these printable coloring sheets as cards in two ways. First, you can simply color the picture of your choice and then give it to someone as a gift.
For the second type of card, you will need some extra supplies - construction paper, scissors, and glue. Color the picture and cut it out. Then, fold the construction paper in half and glue the picture to the front. You can write your message on the inside just like a real store-bought card!
Online Coloring Pages for Kids
Get creative with this interactive easy Valentine's Day card coloring page. Experiment with unique color combinations and see which one looks the best!
In addition to the usual printable coloring pages, we also have online coloring available for every coloring sheet in this post!
Just scroll down, and you'll find the coloring options for each coloring page.
Free Greeting Cards Coloring Pages
Father's Day Card Coloring Sheet
Let your dad know that you think he's a super dad when you color this card! Use the traditional Superman logo colors - yellow and red - on the tie, and color his hair, face, and mustache to look just like your dad.

Happy Birthday Card Coloring Sheet
Use bright primary colors or your friend's favorite colors to decorate this party, ice the cake, and wrap the presents.

Merry Christmas Card Coloring Sheet
A snowy scene and an aged beard call for a lot of white, but there's room for other colors, too - the evergreen tree and Santa's red coat and hat, for example.

Easy Mother's Day Card Coloring Sheet
Any bright colors will do for this joyful springtime card. Consider using rosy pinks, soft greens, and sunshiny yellows.

Valentine's Day Card Coloring Sheet
Pink and red are the most common colors for Valentine's Day hearts, but if you're giving this card to your friends, you can use any colors you'd like.

Thanksgiving Card Coloring Sheet
Select rich earth tones for this harvest-themed card - yellow, red, and orange for the leaves, golden brown for the turkey, and orange for the pumpkin.

Happy New Year Card Coloring Sheet
What color scheme will you choose for your New Year's party? Will you have confetti in every color of the rainbow, or will you go for an elegant black and gold affair?

VE Day Card Coloring Sheet
The British flag has a blue background. Its stripes are red and outlined in white. The soldier's uniform could range from tan to olive drab.

Easy Christmas Card Coloring Sheet
Red and green are traditional Christmas colors, but blue and white or silver and gold themes are also popular. And Christmas ornaments come in every color!

Earth Day Card Coloring Sheet
Our planet has been compared to marble or a pearl with big blue oceans and green and brown land masses. Show the Earth some love as you color this picture.

Free Pretty Coloring Pages for Kids - Which One Was Your Favorite?
Which of these greeting card coloring sheets was your favorite? Did you make cards for all your family and friends?
Tip: You can download and print lots of cards in advance of your next occasion. Then you will have them when you need them, ready to send and spread some joy!
See a Google Web Story of this Greeting Cards Coloring Ideas Blog Post.