How to Draw a Shield

Learn how to draw a great looking Shield with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Shield.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Shield

How to Draw a Great Looking Shield for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw a Shield Step 01

1. Begin drawing the top of the shield using a series of curved lines. Included in this is a rounded "V" shaped line. Draw a curved line across the top of the "V" to give the notch a three-dimensional appearance.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw a Shield Step 02

2. Use a long curved line to complete the top of the shield. On each side of the notch, draw a curved line parallel to the outline, contributing to the three-dimensional shape.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw a Shield Step 03

3. Draw the side of the shield using two long curved lines with a "V" shaped line between them. Draw a curved line across the "V" shaped line to give the notch a three-dimensional appearance.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw a Shield Step 04

4. Complete the outline of the shield using a long curved line. Then, draw curved lines parallel to the upper and lower sides of the shield. Draw short lines between these and the corners of the shield, contributing to the three-dimensional appearance.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw a Shield Step 05

5. Draw three connected curved lines, roughly parallel to the top and upper sides of the shield. Then, draw small ovals between the lines and the edge of the shield. These represent the rivets that hold the shield together.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw a Shield Step 06

6. From the previous lines, draw a pair of curved lines that meet at a point at the bottom. Then, draw more rivet ovals around the edge of the shield.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw a Shield Step 07

7. Use curved lines to draw a boomerang shape across the front of the shield, representing prior damage. Then, draw curved vertical lines across the shield, indicating the wooden planks that it is made out of.

Add More Details to Your Shield Picture - Step 8

How to Draw a Shield Step 08

8. Draw a circle in the middle of the shield, erasing as necessary. Then, draw more horizontal lines.

Complete the Outline of Your Shield Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw a Shield Step 09

9. Use curved lines to enclose a double-pointed shape in the middle of the shield. Then, draw ovals near the edge of the circle.

Color Your Shield Drawing

How to Draw a Shield Step 10

Color your cartoon shield. In our example, we've shaded the wood brown and the metal parts grey. But you can make your shield any colors you may choose - in the past, shields were often painted with family crests or with symbols of a village or tribe.

Easy, step by step Shield drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Shield Drawing

Vikings, hunters, warriors, knights, and soldiers - shields have been used from time immemorial.

In fact, the Encyclopaedia Britannica says that "shields were used for hunting long before they were used for warfare, partly for defense and partly for concealment in stalking game, and it is likely that the military shield evolved from that of the hunter and herdsman."

Shields differed in form and material based on their use. Archers, for example, carried lightweight, small shields to block enemy arrows. Roman soldiers carried large shields that could cover their entire body.

They used these shields in a tactical formation called the phalanx, in which they would stand very close together and even raise shields to cover their heads.

This type of shield is likely what the Bible writer had in mind when he spoke of a "large shield of faith" (Ephesians 6:16).

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Shields have been made from leather, woven reeds, wood, and metal. They were often "decorated with a painted pattern or an animal representation to show their army or clan."

Today, shields are most often seen in historical movies or cartoons, or in use by law enforcement or special military forces. These look much different from the classical shield in this drawing guide.

Would you like to learn how to draw a battle-worn cartoon shield? This is an easy cartoon object drawing tutorial. Use the step-by-step instructions to create an original drawing. You will need only a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Viking drawing, Celtic Warrior drawing, and Knight drawing.

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