How to Draw a Spruce

Learn how to draw a great looking Spruce with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Spruce.

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​Step by Step Instructions for Drawing​​​​ a ​Spruce

How to Draw a Great Looking Spruce for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Spruce Step 01

1. ​​Begin by drawing the top or crown of your tree. First, draw an upside down "V" using two curved lines. Then, connect the lines at the bottom using a series of short, curved lines that meet in jagged points. The figure should be roughly triangular in shape.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Spruce Step 02

2. ​Next, draw a whorl, or rounded set of branches, beneath the crown. Extend a curved line downward from each side of the crown. Then, connect the lines at the bottom using a series of short, curved lines that meet in jagged points.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Spruce Step 03

3. ​Draw two more whorls, each a little bigger than the last. For each whorl, extend a curved line downward from each side of the previous whorl. Then, connect the lines at the bottom using a series of short, curved lines that meet in jagged points.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Spruce Step 04

4.​ Draw a large whorl beneath the previous. Extend a curved line downward from each side of the previous whorl, then connect the lines at the bottom using a series of short, curved lines that meet in jagged points.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Spruce Step 05

5.​​ ​​Draw another whorl, using two curved lines connect by a series of short, curved lines that meet in jagged points. Notice that the whorls are no longer getting bigger than the last.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Spruce Step 06

6.​ ​Draw another whorl, slightly smaller than the one above it.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Spruce Step 07

7. ​​​​​Draw another small whorl beneath the previous section.

Add More Details to Your Spruce Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Spruce Step 08

8.​​​ ​​Draw two more whirls, returning to the custom of making them larger than the previous whorls. Notice that the middle section of the final whorl is higher than at its edges. This will allow for the trunk of the tree.

Complete the Outline of Your Spruce Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Spruce Step 09

9.​​ ​Draw the spruce's trunk, using two curved lines. Indicate a fork in the branches using a "V" shaped line with a rounded point. Then, draw the ground beneath the tree. Use overlapping curved lines, complete with patches of shorter lines meeting in jagged points. These indicate tufts of grass.

Color Your Spruce Drawing

How to Draw Spruce Step 10

10. Color your spruce tree. Spruces are often dark green or even blue-green in color.

Want to draw more trees or even a forest inhabited by friendly woodland creatures? Check out our selection of plant and animal drawing tutorials to learn more.

For more great Tree drawing tutorials, see the 21 Easy Tree Drawing Tutorials post.

Easy, step by step Spruce drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Spruce Drawing

The spruce tree is a type of evergreen tree found in North America and Europe. Like a pine tree, it has needles rather than leaves, and it remains green throughout the winter. It also produces seeds in hanging cones.

The world's oldest living tree is a spruce in Sweden thought to be nearly 10,000 years old.

The word spruce is derived from the name of the region of Prussia - which included parts of modern Germany, Russia, and other nations. The area was a home to this type of tree. At one time all goods imported from Prussia were called "spruce." That is why the term "spruce up," meaning to make new or nicer, is still in use today.

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Spruce, pine, cedar, juniper, fir - to some, they're all just Christmas trees. With so many evergreen trees to choose from, how can you tell the difference?

Pine trees have multiple needles growing from a single bud. Spruce and fir both have individually growing needs, but fir needles are flat whereas spruce needles have four sides. Junipers have blue berries, and the spines of true cedars are arranged in a spiral pattern.

Would you like to draw a majestic spruce tree? This simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial makes doing so a breeze. All you will need is a pen or pencil and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Forest drawing, Pinecone drawing, and Cartoon Castle drawing.

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