We've compiled a list of the best tree drawing tutorials on the internet so that you can see the forest and the trees - you'll learn how to draw every detail, from leaves, seeds, and branches to complete forest ecosystems.
32 Easy Tree Drawing Ideas
How to Draw an Oak Tree
Oak trees are known for their towering height, spreading branches, and the production of many, many acorns. Because they live a very long time, oak trees may symbolize nobility, honor, and wisdom.
How to Draw a Fall Scenery
In the autumn season, trees in temperate regions famously turn bright colors before shedding their leaves for the winter. Learn how to draw a fruitful tree on a windy fall day.
How to Draw a Fall Tree
In the fall of the year, deciduous trees are gilded with browns, reds, oranges, yellows, and golds as their leaves turn colors. Vacationers known as "leaf peepers" travel just to see these trees at their peak.
How to Draw Falling Leaves
American naturalist John Burroughs once said, "How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." You can make the leaves beautiful when you complete this simple sketch.
How to Draw a Spruce
Spruces are tall coniferous or evergreen trees, similar to a pine tree. Spruce up your drawing skills when you learn how to draw this mighty tree.
How to Draw an Easter Egg Tree
The Easter egg tree is an ancient tradition in parts of Europe. Its origins are not fully known but involve the use of plants and fertility symbols in worship. Today, people decorate Easter egg trees by tying real or plastic eggs to their branches.
How to Draw a Family Tree
The family tree developed because of the branching, tree-like shape of charts tracing children, parents, and grandparents through the generations. You can draw a family tree and place pictures or sketches of your family members inside.
How to Draw a Bush
Did you know that many bushes or shrubs grow like trees, with roots, trunks, branches, and leaves? The difference is that they stay low to the ground and spread outward.
How to Draw a Willow Tree
From The Wind in the Willows to Pocahontas, the draping form of the weeping willow tree is well known. Some people find them beautiful, while others think they look creepy and foreboding. What do you think?
How to Draw a Dead Tree
Dead trees are often used to set a spooky scene or to indicate a past disaster, such as a fire or pollution. But did you know? Dead trees called snags are essential to the environment. They serve as perches and nesting sites for certain birds, including hawks and eagles.
How to Draw a Maple Leaf
The maple leaf is a symbol of Canada and one of the most famous leaf shapes. Start your leaf collection today with this easy botanical sketch!
How to Draw a Pinecone
Spiky pine cones house and protect the seeds of the pine tree. They are also used when decorating in rustic or winter motifs. Animals and people also eat the pine nuts.
How to Draw a Cartoon Forest
The Hundred Acre Wood, an enchanted forest, or Jellystone Park - the choice is yours. Draw this fun cartoon forest and fill it with your favorite woodland creatures.
How to Draw a Jungle
A jungle or rainforest is a special habitat with lush plant growth and warm, wet weather year-round. Jungles are home to tropical birds, poisonous frogs, monkeys, and big cats, among other animals.
How to Draw Acorns
It's hard to imagine that a tiny seed you can hold in your hand may grow into a towering oak tree. Squirrels bury acorns to store food away for the winter, but some of these sprout and grow!
How to Draw a Palm Tree
Palms are special trees that grow on tropical islands, near beaches, and in desert oases. Many produce fruit. Can you see the coconuts on this coconut palm?
How to Draw an Olive Branch
The olive branch is used as a symbol of peace. This may date back to the biblical account in which a dove brought an olive leaf to Noah, who waited on the ark. This let him know that the earth had dried off after the great flood.
How to Draw a Cartoon Tree
Trees are essential cartoon elements, whether they are background features or play a role in the story. Will your characters rest in the shade, climb the tree's branches, swing from a vine, or crash like George of the Jungle? The choice is yours.
How to Draw a Spooky Forest
Dark, leafless trees cast strange shadows on the ground. Look out! This environment foreshadows that something scary is about to happen.
How to Draw a Christmas Tree
"I love our holiday traditions, like the Christmas tree, where we go out and we chop down a tree and we put it in our living room... we're gonna decorate it for Jesus." - Jim Gaffigan, comedian.
How to Draw a Tree Branch
No tree is complete without many, many boughs and limbs. Learn how to detail this essential woodland tree feature.
Tree of Life
The Tree of Life or World Tree is a common concept across cultures. Can you find the heart shape hidden in this tree's roots?
Heart Tree
The heart-shaped crown of this tree is made up of individual heart-shaped leaves. This drawing makes a great treating card or the basis for a family tree.
Heart Carved in Tree
Who's initials would you like to carve into a tree? Skip the pocket knife and use a pencil instead. You can change the letters to match the initials of you and your crush.
Mango Tree
In tropical regions, mango trees are heavy with fruit. You can learn to draw the delicious pepper-shaped fruits here.
Orange Tree
This tree is full of circles - oranges, that is! Add this fruit tree to your sketchbook orchard.
Peach Tree
Peach trees often have wavy, twisted branches. This one is also hanging with beautiful fresh fruit.
Papaya Tree
Papaya trees look a lot like palm trees with large, deeply lobed leaves. A cluster of large papaya fruits grows at the junction of the trunk and the leaves.
Mangrove Tree
Mangrove trees are famous for their great tangles of roots visible above the ground. Many, like this one, grow right out of the water.
Easy Cartoon Palm Tree
This simple palm tree will add a tropical motif to your next drawing. Notice the round coconuts and the "X" shapes that texture the bark of the tree.
The Autumn Season
What signals that autumn has come? These trees have lost their leaves, and they are raked up in spiles. The farmer has a harvest of fall vegetables, including pumpkins.
Cartoon Christmas Tree
This evergreen tree has a trunk and three sections of boughs. It is decorated with ribbons, lights, ornaments, bells, candy canes, and a star on top.
More About Drawing Trees
Have you ever heard someone say, "You can't see the forest for the trees"? This saying describes someone who is so focused on details that they can't see the big picture.
Why would you want to sketch cartoon trees? Forests and trees are among the most valuable resources we have.
They provide shade, food, wood for building things, oxygen to breathe, and they pull poisonous toxins from the air. Plus, trees are fun for climbing!
You can draw a tree to show appreciation for all they do, especially on Arbor Day or Earth Day.

Trees can also become characters in themselves. Think, for instance of the children's book The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.

Other examples include Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy, Treebeard and Old Man Willow from The Lord of the Rings, the Whomping Willow from Harry Potter,, The Great Deku Tree from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Grandmother Willow from Disney's Pocahontas.
A whole forest of sketches awaits you!
Don't forget to visit our animal drawing guides as well, to fill your forest with lions, and tigers, and bears - oh my! - along with plenty of other cute cartoon creatures.

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