Learn how to draw a great looking Wink Emoji with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Wink Emoji.
Step by Step Instructions for Drawing a Wink Emoji

How to Draw a Great Looking Wink Emoji for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing a circle to outline the emoji's face.
Drawing Step 2

2. On one side of the face, draw a small circle to indicate the open eye. Shade within the circle. On the opposite side, enclose the crescent shape of the winking eye using two short, curved lines, connected at each end. Shade within this shape.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw an eyebrow above each eye, using a short, curved line for each. Notice that the eyebrow above the open eye is placed higher than the other.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the smiling mouth. Use two long, curved lines to form a narrow crescent shape, allowing the lines to meet in sharp points.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw a short, curved line at each tip of the smile. Within the shape of the mouth, draw two short, curved lines to outline the teeth. Shade outside the teeth. Place a short, curved line beneath the mouth to indicate the curve of the chin.
Drawing Step 6

6. Color your winking smiley face. Smiley faces are traditionally yellow in color, but feel free to be creative.
Check out our other emoji drawing guides for more emoticon fun.
Learn More About The Wink Emoji Drawing
What does it mean to wink? A wink is defined as "a facial expression made by briefly closing one eye." It is analogous to blinking, though only one eye is used.
Typically, a wink signifies "hidden knowledge or intent." Winking may also be used to indicate joking, trickiness or distrust, or romantic interest.
In printed text, the semi-colon and parenthesis together - ";)" - were used as an emoticon to symbolize a winking face. In 1999, a Japanese cell phone company launched the first of the hugely popular emojis - small cartoons that represent emotions, places, objects, or the weather. The winking smile was one of them.
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The yellow face emojis are based on the classic smiley face, which originated, perhaps independently, in three different advertising campaigns during the 1960s.
Prior to this, "smiley faces" and "sad faces" with varying degrees of similarity had appeared many times over. At least two movies, Lili and Gigi, had used smiley faces on promotional posters. Others were hand drawn on letters and cards. The oldest occurrence dates to around 4,000 years ago, a painted sketch on an ancient clay pot.
Today, smiley faces, winking smiles, smiles with hearts for eyes, and many others are widely used in art and popular culture.
In decades past, smiley faces most often populated t-shirts and button pins. Now you can find shoes, toys, kitchen gadgets, coffee mugs, jewelry, and more that feature these characters. In 2017, emojis starred in their first animated feature film, The Emoji Movie.
Would you like to draw a winking smiley face? Doing so is easier than ever with the help of this easy, step-by-step drawing tutorial.
All you will need is a pencil, pen, crayon, or marker, as well as a sheet of paper. You may also wish to use crayons or something similar to shade your finished drawing.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Happy Emoji drawing, Tongue Out Emoji drawing, and Kiss Emoji drawing.
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