Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Rainbow Scenery with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Easy Rainbow Scenery.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing an Easy Rainbow Scenery

How to Draw a Great Looking Easy Rainbow Scenery for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the easy rainbow scenery outline by drawing the ground. Use curved lines to outline the top and bottom of the cliff face, as well as to contour it and give the ridge a three-dimensional appearance.
Drawing Step 2

2. Next, draw the plunging water of the waterfall. Use a wavy curved line for the top of the waterfall.
At the bottom, use "U" shaped lines to enclose the splashing water. Then, use curved lines to outline boulders - irregular round shapes.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use long curved lines to draw the sides of the river. Again, use curved lines to outline boulders.
Drawing Step 4

Drawing Step 5

5. Band the rainbow with parallel curved lines. If you want your rainbow to accurately display the seven colors as it does in nature, be sure to use six evenly spaced lines.
Then, begin detailing the surrounding scenery. Use connected curved lines to outline the bushes and trees in front of the mountain.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use connected curved lines to draw greenery in front of the remaining mountain. Then, draw a small tree by the river, erasing as necessary.
Use curved lines for the trunk, and a series of curved lines to enclose the leafy crown. Enclose additional round shapes to indicate plants.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw a cloud in the sky beneath the rainbow. Use a straight line for the bottom of the cloud and a series of curved lines for the top. Then, enclose more irregular round shapes to indicate plant life.
Add More Details to Your Easy Rainbow Scenery Picture - Step 8

8. Draw more clouds drifting through the sky, erasing as necessary. Again, use a straight line for the bottoms of the clouds and a series of curved lines for the tops.
Complete the Outline of Your Easy Rainbow Scenery Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete your easy rainbow scenery outline by texturing the water and cliffs using long and short curved lines.
Color Your Easy Rainbow Scenery Drawing

Color your cartoon of a peaceful landscape with a rainbow.

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Learn More About The Easy Rainbow Scenery Drawing
You can create an easy rainbow scenery drawing. It's not hard! You'll need a pencil, an eraser, colored pencils, crayons, or markers.
You can even make your rainbow look just as it would in real life. Did you know that the colors of the rainbow always occur in the same order?
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
You can use the pretend name Roy G. Biv to help you remember the order of the colors. Each letter stands for the name of a color, like this:
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo (dark blue)
- Violet (purple)
To make your rainbow true to life, you will want to start with red at the top and violet at the bottom.
Because rainbows follow rain showers and storms, they are often used as a symbol of hope.
This usage dates back as far as the Bible book of Genesis, written around 3,500 years ago. This document reports that rain fell for more than a month, flooding the land even over the tops of the mountains.
When the water dried up, the rainbow served as a promise that the world would never again be completely flooded with water.
Now, would you like to learn how to draw our easy rainbow scenery? This fun, step-by-step landscape drawing tutorial will help you master the easy rainbow scenery outline in no time. Let's get started.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Hurricane drawing, Landscape drawing, and Tornado drawing.
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