Learn how to draw a great looking Captain America's Shield with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Captain America's Shield.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Captain America's Shield

How to Draw a Great Looking Captain America's Shield for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the Captain America's shield outline by drawing a half-circle, a "C" shaped line. This begins the outside of the round shield.
Drawing Step 2

2. Continue the line to form a perfect circle. This is the base on which you will draw your shield.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw a "C" shaped line inside the shield, another half of a circle parallel to the outer edge of the shield.
Drawing Step 4

4. Continue drawing the line to complete this inner circle. You have now outlined the first of the shield's stripes.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw another, smaller "C" shaped line inside the shield. This is the beginning of another circular stripe, parallel to the others.
Drawing Step 6

6. Continue the line to complete the circle. Two stripes are now complete.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw another, smaller circle in the center of the shield, parallel to the previous circles. The three stripes and the inner circle are now complete.
Add More Details to Your Captain America's Shield Picture - Step 8

8. Begin drawing the star in the center of the shield. Use a series of connected, straight lines to sketch the triangle-shaped arms of the star.
Complete the Outline of Your Captain America's Shield Drawing - Step 9

9. Continue drawing the star, using a series of connected straight lines to draw its triangular arms. When complete, the star should have five points.
Color Your Captain America's Shield Drawing

Your outline of Captain America's shield is now complete. Color two of the stripes red, and the circle around the star blue. The remaining stripe and star are white.
Want to use those red and blue crayons again? This shield shares its red, white, and blue colors with the American flag. Learn how to draw the American flag here.
For more great Marvel superheroes drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy Marvel Superheroes Drawing Guides.

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Learn More About The Captain America's Shield Drawing
When America needed a hero, a young soldier named Steve Rogers donned a suit and shield and became that hero. You can draw his iconic shield with the help of this easy, step-by-step Captain America's shield drawing guide.
The Cap's shield is easy to draw. It is a series of successively smaller circles with a five-pointed star on the inside.
The vibranium shield bears the same symbols as the American flag, namely, stars and stripes. Don't forget to have your red and blue markers, crayons, or colored pencils ready.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Is Captain America your favorite superhero? Learn how to draw Captain America's portrait.
Captain America was considered the first of the Avengers, a group of Marvel superheroes who have saved the world many times. You can draw other Avengers, too. Check out this Iron Spider from the Avengers drawing.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw Venom's Face or Deadpool Logo Drawing tutorials.
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