Learn how to draw a great looking Ticci Toby from Creepy Pasta with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Ticci Toby from Creepy Pasta.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing Ticci Toby from Creepy Pasta

How to Draw a Great Looking Ticci Toby from Creepy Pasta for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing Toby's hood. Use a series of curved lines to draw an inverted "U" shape. Then, draw a similar but smaller "U" shape parallel to the first.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw Toby's scarf. Use a series of short, overlapping curved lines to connect the sides of the hood. Then, draw a second line in the same fashion to complete the scarf.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Draw the neck of the hoodie. Use long, curved lines that start at the bottom of the hood and meet at a point. Use additional curved lines to indicate folds in the fabric.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw Toby's arm and torso. Use curved lines to sketch the shoulder, both sides of the arm, and the opposite side of the torso. Draw curved lines to indicate folds in the fabric where the arm joins the torso.
Drawing Step 5

5. Sketch the remaining arm. Use curved lines to outline the arm. Note the overlapping curved lines that indicate folds in the fabric at the elbow. Enclose a curved rectangle at the end of the arm to indicate the cuff of the sleeve.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use curved lines to draw the palm and thumb. Then, use a series of overlapping ovals to draw the clenched fingers, completely enclosing the hand.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw a curved rectangle extending from each side of the hand. Then, draw a small oval at each end of the rectangle. This forms the handle of the ax or hatchet. Draw a curved rectangle extending from the hatchet, noting the "C" shaped notch in the blade. Draw another "C" shaped line within the blade.
Add More Details to Your Ticci Toby from Creepy Pasta Picture - Step 8

8. Draw Toby's long hair. Use long, curved lines that meet in points just below the hood and in the middle of the face.
Complete the Outline of Your Ticci Toby from Creepy Pasta Drawing - Step 9

9. Detail Toby's face. Draw large circles to indicate the bags under the eyes, and curved lines for the eyebrows. Use curved lines and a half circle to draw each eye. Then, draw four curved lines across the face. Draw vertical lines between the innermost curved lines. This indicates the scarf or mask Toby wears over his mouth. Finally, use short curved lines to determine the side of the face and neck.
Color Your Ticci Toby from Creepy Pasta Drawing

Color your drawing.
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Learn More About The Ticci Toby from Creepy Pasta Drawing
Toby Rogers, also known as Ticci Toby, is the title character and antagonist of a creepypasta story. He is a serial killer who, since childhood, suffered from mental disorders, Tourette's syndrome, and a nervous system disorder which made him unable to feel pain.
What is creepypasta? The term is used to refer to horrifying legends that have been shared via the internet. They are typically gruesome or paranormal tales intended to scare their readers.
Did you know? The term "creepypasta" is a portmanteau, or blend of words. It is taken from the words "creepy," describing the nature of the stories, and "copypasta," a term coined in 2006 to denote viral content that is shared.
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Would you like to draw a cartoon of Ticci Toby? Are you scared to try? Don't be. This easy, step-by-step cartoon drawing guide is here to show you how. All you will need is a pen, pencil, crayon, or marker and a sheet of paper.
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