Free Star Wars Coloring Pages for Kids - 14 Printable Sheets

Hey there Star Wars fans! Get out your colored pencils, markers, or crayons and check out these free Star Wars coloring pages for kids.

BB-8 from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

BB-8 is an adorable BB-series astromech droid. He is white with gray and orange markings.

The Death Star from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

That's no moon! It is the Death Star, an armored space station capable of turning entire planets into rubble! Color the Death Star in shades of black and gray.

Darth Maul from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

Darth Maul is a Zabrak alien and a Sith Lord. His face is striking with its red and black markings.

R2-D2 from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

R2-D2 is an astromech droid who has joined the Skywalker family on adventures from Anakin to Rey. He is white with a silver dome and blue markings. He also has a red light on his "face."

Chibi Rey from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

This cute sketch of Rey is done in chibi style. She has brown hair, brown eyes, and beige robes.

Darth Vader Coloring Sheet

Darth Vader wears a black mask to help him breathe and conceal his appearance. In some comic books, his helmet is shaded dark blue to resemble shiny black.

Kylo Ren Coloring Sheet

Kylo Ren hides his identity as Ben Solo, son of Han and Leia, by wearing a mask and hood. They are black with silver elements that reflect the red glare of his Dark Side lightsaber.

Yoda from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

Yoda is a Jedi Master of an unknown species. His skin is green and he wears brown robes. His lightsaber has a green blade.

Stormtrooper Helmet Coloring Sheet

Stormtrooper helmets are usually white with black markings. Sometimes, they are painted with markings. Captain Phasma's armor is made of chromium, silver or gray in color. Sith stormtroopers wear red armor.

C-3PO from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

C-3P0 is a protocol droid. His outer coverings are gold in color, but his right leg is silver below the knee.

Porg from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

Porgs are cute, small, birdlike creatures. They have large, expressive eyes, cream-colored bellies, brown backs and wings, and reddish-brown markings around their eyes.

Chibi Han Solo from Star Wars Coloring Sheet

Shade this cute caricature of the scruffy-looking smuggler with brown hair, a white shirt, and a black vest.

Cartoon Chewbacca Coloring Sheet

As a hairy Wookiee, Chewbacca's fur is various shades of brown. He wears a brown and silver bandolier across his chest.

Baby Yoda in Black and White Coloring Sheet

This black-and-white outline doesn't have to stay colorless for long. Use the Force to color Grogu's green skin and brown tunic. Make sure he stays on the light side!

More About Star Wars Coloring

These printable coloring pages are chock full of action from a galaxy far, far away. You can color your favorite ships, droids, creatures, heroes, villains, Jedi, and Sith.

Each of these downloadable coloring pages can be colored online or by hand. Save the page to your computer, and then print it out. You can fasten the sheets together to make your own Star Wars coloring book!

These coloring pictures are perfect for children and adults who are Star Wars fans. The outlines are simple and easy to color - whether you are a budding artist or an old pro, you will be impressed with the results!

You know just how much fun Free Star Wars Coloring Pages can be – so why not level up by giving Free Disney Coloring Pages a go as well for maximum entertainment?

Click here to download a free ebook

May the Force be with you.

Star Wars Online Coloring Page

Get creative with this interactive Darth Vader coloring page. Experiment with unique color combinations and see which one looks the best!

In addition to the usual printable coloring pages, we also have online coloring available for every coloring sheet in this post!

Just scroll down, and you'll find the coloring options for each coloring page.

Star Wars Coloring Pages - Which One Was Your Favorite?

Which of the above coloring pictures did you enjoy most? Did you hang out with a droid or a Wookiee? Smuggle rebel supplies with Han Solo? Or try to take over the galaxy with Kylo Ren or Darth Maul?

Soon, your coloring skills will advance from Padawan to Master. Love coloring?

These Free Star Wars Coloring pages are a great selection of guides, but don't forget to check out Free Space Coloring pages too for even more fun and creative options!

See a Google Web Story of this Star Wars Coloring Ideas Blog Post.

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