Easy How to Draw a Palm Tree - Step by Step Drawing Guide for Kids and Beginners

Learn how to draw a great looking Palm Tree with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Palm Tree.

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Easy Palm Tree Drawing: Simple Step by Step Directions

How to Draw a Great Looking Palm Tree for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 1

1. Begin by drawing two long, curved lines, parallel to one another. Make sure the lines are a bit closer together at the top than at the bottom. These lines form the trunk of the palm tree.

Drawing Step 2

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 2

2. Just above the trunk, draw five curved lines going in different directions. The lines will meet above the trunk, forming a shape like a droopy five-pointed star. These lines are the beginning of the palm tree's leaves, or fronds.

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Drawing Step 3

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 3

3. Begin to outline some of the leaves. For the first leaf, draw a curved line from the middle of the star shape to the tip of one curved line. Then, do the same on the opposite side of the same curved line. You will have enclosed a rounded shape that is pointed on each end. Repeat this process to enclose another leaf.

Drawing Step 4

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 4

4. Continue to to outline leaves by drawing curved lines from the base to the tip of the original lines.

Drawing Step 5

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 5

5. In this step, you will draw a leaf from a different angle. On your remaining curved line, enclose a shape by drawing a nearly straight line from the base to the tip. Then, draw a few more leaves in profile, using a curved line and a nearly straight line for each. Erase guide lines as needed.

Drawing Step 6

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 6

6. Add detail to the leaves. Using short lines, enclose a few small triangle shapes along the edges of each leaf.

Drawing Step 7

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 7

7. Draw three small circles at the point where the leaves meet, called the crown of the tree. These circles form coconuts, the fruit of the palm tree.

Add More Details to Your Palm Tree Picture - Step 8

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 8

8. Erase guide lines from the coconuts and the leaves. The leaves will now have a jagged appearance.

Complete the Outline of Your Palm Tree Drawing - Step 9

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 9

9. Draw curved, horizontal lines along the trunk of the tree.

Color Your Palm Tree Drawing

Palm Tree step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

10. Color your palm tree.

For more great Tree drawing tutorials, see the 21 Cute Tree Drawing Designs post.

Easy, step by step Palm Tree drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Palm Tree Drawing

Are you ready to explore the tropical islands and exotic beaches?

The palm tree is an impressive kind of tree with its massive trunk and spiky leaves sprouting from the top.

They often bring to mind images of bright, sandy beaches, blue waves rolling lazily to the shore.

Drawing a great looking palm tree is very easy. In this tutorial we'll go through all of the necessary steps to draw this great tropical tree.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

You will need only a piece of paper and a pencil. A good eraser is also useful, both to correct mistakes and to remove some early lines.

Finally, you may wish to use colored pencils, crayons, or markers to shade your finished drawing.

If you'd like to draw more palm trees, see also: easy deserted island drawing and how to draw ocean and beach.

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