How to Draw a Book

Learn how to draw a great looking Book with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Book.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Book

How to Draw a Great Looking Book for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw Book Step 01

1. Begin by drawing a straight, diagonal line. This will become the spine of the book.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw Book Step 02

2. From the lower end of the first line, extend a second straight line. This forms the bottom edge of the book.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw Book Step 03

3. From the top of the original line, extend a third straight line. This will form the top edge of the book.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw Book Step 04

4. Enclose the shape with a straight line. You now have a rhombus, a shape similar to a diamond. This shape will form the front cover of your book.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw Book Step 05

5. Draw a short, curved line shaped like the letter "C" at three of the book's corners. These lines form the edges of the pages.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw Book Step 06

6. Connect each set of "C" shaped lines using a long, straight line. You now have the basic three dimensional outline of the book.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw Book Step 07

7. Add detail to the cover of your book. Using two straight lines, draw a backwards letter "L" parallel to the bottom and edge of the cover. Draw another straight line along the spine, from the top of the cover to the "L" shaped line. Then, draw two straight, parallel lines across the cover of the book, in the area that the title would be printed.

Add More Details to Your Book Picture - Step 8

How to Draw Book Step 08

8. Add texture to the book's pages. Along the bottom of side of the book, draw several straight, parallel lines between the "C" shaped lines.

Complete the Outline of Your Book Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw Book Step 09

9. Give the book a back cover. Enclose a narrow space along the bottom of the spine and bottom of the pages using a short, curved line and several long, straight lines.

Color Your Book Drawing

How to Draw Book Step 10

10. Color your book. Be creative!

For more great Back to School drawing tutorials, see the 39 Back to School Drawing Ideas for Kids post.

Easy, step by step Book drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Book Drawing

Today, books are familiar sights in homes and classrooms around the world. Books may be sheets of paper, called leaves, hinged together on one side, or they may be electronic representations of the same material. Electronic books, called eBooks, can be read on computers, tablets, phones, and dedicated e-readers.

Books as we know them have not always been around, however. In early history, tablets were used to record information.

A tablet was a piece of stone or clay on which words were carved. Some tablets were made in the shape of cylinders.

Later, scrolls, or long sheets of paper rolled around a spindle, were used. By the end of the first century C.E., the book had taken its familiar form, then called a codex.

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For many thousands of years, books were rare and expensive, as they had to be written and drawn by hand. In 1450, German inventor Johannes Gutenberg developed the first printing press with movable type. From that time, books became more affordable and available.

What books have the most copies in print? The Bible has over 5 billion copies in circulation, nearly one for every person on earth; billions of copies have also been made of the political work Quotations from Chairman Mao.

Don Quixote, written in 1605, has sold 500 million copies; A Tale of Two Cities, 1859, 200 million copies; and Lord of the Rings, 1954, 150 million copies.

In this simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial, you will learn to draw a three dimensional book. Will this book be your math book, your journal, or your favorite story? The choice is yours.

All you will need to complete this drawing is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and a good eraser. You may also wish to use crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paints to shade your finished drawing.

In each step, you will see a detailed illustration along with explanatory text. Pay special attention to the light blue lines, as these indicate new lines to be added. Now, hit the books and start drawing!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Guitar drawing, Boat drawing, and Fairy drawing.

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