How to Draw a Bunny

Learn how to draw a great looking Bunny with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Bunny.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Bunny

How to Draw a Great Looking Bunny for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 1

1. Draw an irregular circular shape, a bit wider at the bottom than at the top. This will form the bunny’s head.

Drawing Step 2

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 2

2. Draw the bunny’s ears. For each ear, enclose a long, narrow shape using a curved line.

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Drawing Step 3

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 3

3. Draw an oval beneath the bunny’s head. This will form the body.

Drawing Step 4

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 4

4. Connect the head and the body using curved lines. On the bunny’s chest, overlap several curved lines to indicate fur.

Drawing Step 5

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 5

5. Erase the guide lines from the bunny’s body.

Drawing Step 6

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 6

6. Draw a curved line through the bunny’s body, nearly enclosing a circle. This is the bunny’s leg. Draw the foot, using a curved line to enclose a rounded shape beneath the leg.

Drawing Step 7

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 7

7. Draw the bunny’s front feet. Use a curved line to enclose an irregular shape beneath the bunny’s chest. Then, enclose a second shape behind the first using a short, curved line.

Add More Details to Your Bunny Picture - Step 8

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 8

8. Draw the bunny’s fluffy tail. Use a number of curved lines to enclose an irregular shape.

Complete the Outline of Your Bunny Drawing - Step 9

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 9

9. Add detail to the bunny’s face. Enclose a long, narrow shape within each ear. Draw a dot for each eye, perhaps leaving a tiny speck uncolored to indicate the shine of the eyes. Enclose a small round shape to form the nose, and extend a short line beneath it. From the short line, draw two short, curved lines to form the mouth. Then, enclose a rounded square beneath the mouth to outline the teeth. Draw a vertical line down the middle to separate the teeth. Finally, draw long, curved lines extending outward from the nose to form whiskers.

Color Your Bunny Drawing

How to draw a bunny rabbit step 11

10. Color your bunny. Our example is cream colored, but rabbits come in a variety of colors and patterns – black, white, brown, grey, blonde, and spotted.

For more great Animal drawing tutorials, see the 100 Easy to Draw Animal Drawing Tutorials post.

Easy, step by step Bunny drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Bunny Drawing

In this really easy drawing tutorial you will learn to draw a simple Bunny.

Bunnies have long been a staple of the animation industry. Perhaps the most famous is Bugs Bunny, who debuted in Tex Avery's Merrie Melodies short, "A Wild Hare," alongside Elmer Fudd.

Later, bugs was joined by other lapine characters, such as his girlfriend Lola Bunny and the youthful Babs and Buster Bunny from Tiny Toon Adventures.

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Other rabbits have graced the silver screen as well.

Among the most notable are Roger Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, 1988), the Rabbit of Caerbannog (Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 1975) and Judy Hopps (Zootopia, 2016).

Rabbits have also featured in other art forms for countless ages, often representing moon deities or fertility on ancient pottery and in early paintings.

Drawing a bunny is now easier than ever with this simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial.

This simple guide will show you how to draw a bunny using only a pencil and a piece of paper.

You may also want to use an eraser to correct mistakes, and crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paints to shade your finished picture.

Note that in each step, new lines are shown in blue.

Some steps don't add lines at all. In these steps, look for previous lines, called guide lines, that have been removed.

Now, get hopping and draw your bunny!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Bat drawing, Dolphin drawing, and Monkey drawing.

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