Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Astronaut with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cartoon Astronaut.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cartoon Astronaut

How to Draw a Great Looking Cartoon Astronaut for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Outline the eyes with two ovals with dashes on the tops and bottoms. Draw smaller ovals inside these shapes, then add a small dash above each eye. Use thick lines for the eyebrows.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the nose with a semi-oval and vertical line. For the mouth, sketch a curve underneath the nose with a deeper curve beneath it. Add triangles on either side to outline the teeth.
Sketch a small curve for the chin with a wider curve on either side.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Add two ovals for the ears with L-shapes inside them. Surround the head with an oval, then add sketchy loops for the hair. Complete the head with a curve on either side.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw two more ovals around the head with one overlapping the other. Add a semi-oval on either side. Use two straight lines for the neck.
Sketch a long, narrow tube at the bottom of the helmet. Make a loop and an uneven line on the left with another uneven line underneath.
Drawing Step 5

5. Repeat the previous step for the right arm. Draw a curve on each side that connects the arm to the shoulder. Sketch another line for the wrist.
Use sausage shapes for the fingers, then sketch curves around the thumb and palm.
Drawing Step 6

6. Repeat the previous step for the right hand, but tilt the hand at a lower angle. Sketch a rectangle inside the body with a vertical line on either side.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw ovals and rectangles inside the suit, then connect both sides of the body with a vertical line. Add a tube with three lines inside it on the left. Sketch a rectangle behind the body.
For the legs, use vertical lines with a curve connecting the shorter lines.
Add More Details to Your Cartoon Astronaut Picture - Step 8

8. Sketch dashes inside the pants, then draw cylinders at the knees. Make a misshapen oval for the left foot, and connect it to the knee with two lines. On the right leg, draw a loop with an oval behind it.
Decorate the sleeves with three lines on each side.
Complete the Outline of Your Cartoon Astronaut Drawing - Step 9

9. Outline the stars in the background with triangles with sharp edges. You can use a ruler to keep them straight. Draw a wavy line to the right.
Color Your Cartoon Astronaut Drawing

After you outline your cartoon astronaut drawing, color the space suit white with red, blue, yellow and green accents.
Use darker blue for the inside of the helmet, and add a highlight on the window. Give your cartoon astronaut your favorite hair and skin color.
For more great easy space drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy How to Draw Space Drawing Tutorials.
Learn More About The Cartoon Astronaut Drawing
Astronauts are fearless space explorers. Learn how to draw a cartoon astronaut to take your own interstellar trip.
If you love space, you could be a NASA astronaut one day. In the meantime, use your favorite tools to draw and shade this brightly colored explorer. You can draw the stars against the deep blue background or add shiny star stickers to your picture.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
When you're done with your easy cartoon astronaut, visit another step-by-step guide, such as the spaceship drawing guide and cartoon space rocket drawing tutorial.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw Neptune or Uranus Drawing tutorials.
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