Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Clock with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cartoon Clock.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cartoon Clock

How to Draw a Great Looking Cartoon Clock for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cartoon clock outline by drawing a large circle within a circle. This outlines the basic shape of the clock. Draw a small oval in the center. This is the mechanism to which the clock's arms attach. It is also the character's "nose."
Drawing Step 2

2. Extend curved lines on each side of the nose, outlining the character's cheeks. Enclose a partial oval shape above each cheek to form the eyes. Then, enclose an oval within an oval inside the eye. Shade between them to suggest the pupil of the eye.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Finish drawing the pupil of the remaining eye, then enclose a teardrop shape above each eye to form the eyebrows. Below the nose, draw the smiling mouth with short lines at each corner.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw a "U" shaped line beneath the smile, enclosing the open mouth. Use curved lines to detail the teeth and tongue within it.
Drawing Step 5

5. Next, draw the mustache-line hands of the clock. For each, extend two straight lines from the nose, then use curved lines to enclose a teardrop shape at the end. The shorter hour hand is roughly in the 8 o'clock position, and the minute hand is in the 4 o'clock position.
Drawing Step 6

6. Add the alarm bells to your cartoon alarm clock drawing. Enclose two partial oval shapes on top. Enclose another shape inside the oval using a "C" shaped line.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw a "C" shaped line inside the remaining bell. Then, draw two straight lines inside each bell, and enclose a half-circle shape on top. Between the bells, enclose another partial circle shape on top of the clock.
Add More Details to Your Cartoon Clock Picture - Step 8

8. Draw a rounded rectangle between the bells, and connect it to the partial circle with two short lines. This is the clapper that rings the bells. At the bottom of the clock, enclose two rounded triangle shapes. These are the clock's feet.
Complete the Outline of Your Cartoon Clock Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw twelve smaller ovals around the round face of the clock. These are dots indicating the hours.
Color Your Cartoon Clock Drawing

Your cartoon clock outline is now complete. Color it to match your favorite room.
For more great easy things drawing tutorials, see the collection of Step-by-Step Easy Things Drawings.
Learn More About The Cartoon Clock Drawing
What time is it? It is time to learn how to draw a cartoon clock! This easy, step-by-step cartoon drawing guide is here to show you how.
This friendly-faced alarm clock is easy to draw. He is made up of simple shapes - circles, ovals, straight lines, and teardrops.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
How can you use this cartoon clock? Practice telling time. You can erase the hands of the clock and set them to a specific time. Or, you could even draw them on a separate piece of paper, cut them out, and attach them to the cloth with a brad fastener. Then, you can move the hands freely.
If you liked drawing this cute clock, check out our heart-shaped alarm clock drawing guide.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Pencil or Easy Cartoon Guitar Drawing tutorials.
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