How to Draw an Alarm Clock

Learn how to draw a great looking Alarm Clock with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Alarm Clock.

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​Step by Step Instructions for Drawing​ an Alarm Clock

How to Draw a Great Looking Alarm Clock for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 01

1. Begin by drawing a circle. This will form the face of the alarm clock.

Drawing Step 2

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 02

2. Draw another circle within the first circle. This signifies the rim around the face of the alarm clock. Then, draw another circle within the innermost circle, narrowly spaced.

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Drawing Step 3

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 03

3. Extend two sets of short, diagonal lines from the bottom of the clock. Connect each set of lines at the bottom using a short line. These form the alarm clock's supportive feet.

Drawing Step 4

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 04

4. Draw two sets of narrowly spaced diagonal lines emerging from the top of the alarm clock. Enclose each set of lines using a small circle, flattened on one side. These arms will support the bells of the alarm clock.

Drawing Step 5

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 05

5. Draw a curved line across the top of the arm. Connect the two ends of the curved line using a straight line, enclosing a half circle. Then, draw a curved line beneath the half circle, from one end of the straight line to the other. This forms the first bell that allows the alarm clock to ring.

Drawing Step 6

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 06

6. Repeat this process to form a mirror image of the first bell. Begin by drawing a semicircle across the remaining arm, using one curved and one straight line. Then, draw a curved line beneath the straight line, connected at each end. This forms the second bell.

Drawing Step 7

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 07

7. Erase the guide lines from the bells.

Add More Details to Your Alarm Clock Picture - Step 8

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 08

8. Draw a pair of curved, parallel lines from the top of one bell to the other. Between the bells, draw a small rectangle. Connect it to the clock using a pair of lines. This forms the hammer, which moves back and forth to ring the bells.

Complete the Outline of Your Alarm Clock Drawing - Step 9

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 09

9. Draw the clock face. Write the numbers 3, 6, 9, and 12 in their respective positions on the clock. Draw two dots between each number, and another dot in the center of the clock face. From this central dot, extend two elongated diamonds, one longer than the other. These form the hands of the clock, and you can set their positions to whatever time you would like. In our example, the clock reads 9 o'clock. Don't forget to draw the long, straight line that represents the second hand.

Color Your Alarm Clock Drawing

How to Draw an Alarm Clock Step 10

10. Color your alarm clock.

Are you an eager student of school themed drawing tutorials? Check out our man-made objects section, where you'll find school buses, books, lunches, and more.

For more great Back to School drawing tutorials, see the 39 Easy Back to School Art Projects for Kids post.

Easy, step by step Alarm Clock drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Alarm Clock Drawing

"When I wake up in the morning
And the alarm gives out a warning
I don't think I'll ever make it on time.
By the time I grab my books
And I give myself a look
I'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by!
It's alright, 'cause I'm saved by the bell."
- Saved by the Bell television series theme song

Today, wind-up alarm clocks and even digital alarm clocks have largely been replaced by smartphones and other devices. Yet, the spring-driven alarm clock with its iconic bells remains a symbol of school days and often reluctant early risers.

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The alarm clock has a long history. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato is purported to have used a water clock or clepsydra, which uses flowing water to measure time. Its alarm may have included a mechanism to drop pebbles on a gong.

Would you like to draw a noisy alarm clock? Now you can, with the help of this simple, step-by-step drawing tutorial. All you will need is a pencil, a sheet of paper, and an eraser. You may also wish to color your finished drawing.

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: School Bus drawing, Book drawing, and Pocket Watch drawing.

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