Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Egg with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cartoon Egg.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cartoon Egg

How to Draw a Great Looking Cartoon Egg for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing a large oval or egg shape. Near the bottom of the egg, draw two sets of curved lines. The lines shaould meet at a gentle point near the base of the egg. These are the legs. Erase as necessary.
Drawing Step 2

2. Begin drawing a foot at the end of one leg. Use overlapping curved lines to sketch the bird's toe and claw.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use curved lines to sketch the second forward-facing toe and the rear-facing toe. Don't forget to draw the claws.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use a curved line to outline the toes of the remaining foot.
Drawing Step 5

5. Complete the foot by drawing the final toe. Draw a small triangle at the tip of each toe to indicate the claws.
Then, draw a small oval in the middle of the egg. This will become one of the bird's eyes peering out of the shell.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw a second oval alongside the first. Then, shade a small oval inside each of the existing ovals to indicate the pupils.
Then, draw a series of short lines that meet at jagged points near the eyes. This will become the cracked portion of the shell.
Drawing Step 7

7. Continue to draw short lines that meet at jagged points until the cracked shape fully encloses the eyes.
Add More Details to Your Cartoon Egg Picture - Step 8

8. Use curved and "Y" shaped lines to draw additional cracks extending outward from the cracked opening.
Complete the Outline of Your Cartoon Egg Drawing - Step 9

9. Use curved lines to draw cracks extending from the tops of the legs.
Color Your Cartoon Egg Drawing

Color your cartoon egg. Don't let him get scrambled!
Learn More About The Cartoon Egg Drawing
Eggs are supposed to sit still in a nest until they are ready to hatch, but eggs running around on two legs are a familiar cartoon trope.
You can learn how to draw a cartoon egg with the help of this easy drawing tutorial.
Eggs with legs have appeared in numerous cartoon series over the years. Have you seen any of the following egg characters?
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
The animated television cartoon Garfield and Friends featured a character that closely resembles the egg in our illustration. Sheldon appeared as a egg with legs.
He was a baby chicken who decided not to hatch - but his twin brother hatched as a healthy chick. In one episode, Sheldon's egg is cracked open, only to reveal yet another eggshell underneath.
The 1944 Looney Tunes short "Booby Hatched" depicts the misadventures of a duck egg walking around on its own as its mother searches frantically for it.
A 1948 Merrie Melodies short called The Shell Shocked Egg features a baby turtle named Clem who is looking for a place to hatch. He is depicted as an egg running around on two turtle legs.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Easter Basket drawing, Easter Eggs drawing, and Bird Nest drawing.
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