How to Draw a Cartoon Rock

Learn how to draw a great looking Cartoon Rock with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cartoon Rock.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cartoon Rock

How to Draw a Great Looking Cartoon Rock for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 1

1. Begin the cartoon rock outline by drawing two straight lines for the cheeks and enclosing a partial oval above each one. These are the character's eyes.

Drawing Step 2

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 2

2. Shade a small oval within each eye to indicate the pupils. Then, draw two sets of straight lines between the eyes. Then, draw additional straight lines jutting out at opposing angles. This begins the character's nose.

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Drawing Step 3

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 3

3. Enclose two curved shapes, one above each eye. Use a curved and a straight line for each, and allow them to meet at points on each end. Then, use a long curved line for the mouth. Notice the curvature at each corner.

Drawing Step 4

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 4

4. Use a long curved line to enclose the open, smiling mouth of the rock character. Draw additional curved lines on each side of the mouth to detail the teeth and below it to contour the chin.

Drawing Step 5

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 5

5. Begin drawing the basic outline of the rock, using a long curved line.

Drawing Step 6

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 6

6. Continue the line outlining the rock. Enclose an irregular shape on one side of the "head" to give the character a three-dimensional appearance.

Drawing Step 7

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 7

7. Connect the open edges of the outline with a long curved line.

Add More Details to Your Cartoon Rock Picture - Step 8

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 8

8. Use a series of straight lines to enclose a diamond shape on one side of the rock. Draw a wavy, zigzag line across the other side. Contour the edge with a curved line.

Complete the Outline of Your Cartoon Rock Drawing - Step 9

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 9

9. Draw other smaller rocks around the character, erasing as necessary. Use curved lines to enclose the stones, and short lines to contour within them.

Color Your Cartoon Rock Drawing

Cartoon Rock step-by-step drawing tutorial: 11

Your cartoon rock outline is now complete. Color your character. We've shaded our rock gray, a common color for stone. Other colors include brown, tan, or reddish. You might even turn your rock into a rare find like black and white marble.

For more great cute cartoon drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy How to Draw Cute Cartoons Tutorials.

Easy, step by step Cartoon Rock drawing tutorial
How to Draw a Cartoon Rock Pinterest Image

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Learn More About The Cartoon Rock Drawing

In a hit Disney movie, Pocahontas once sang, "I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name." You can rock out with this friendly cartoon rock drawing with a face!

And, if you want to draw Pocahontas too, you will find her here.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

This rock consists of many curved lines. It is easy to draw - simply follow the steps, adding the new blue lines visible in each.

Did you know? Decades ago "pet rocks" were popular for a short time. Now you can have a pet rock, too! Will you name him Rocky?

For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Cute Cartoon Eyes or Cat in a Box Drawing tutorials.

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