Learn how to draw a great looking Chibi SD Gundam with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Chibi SD Gundam.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Chibi SD Gundam

How to Draw a Great Looking Chibi SD Gundam for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing the Gundam's face. Use straight lines to outline the triangle-shaped eyes and the "W" shape beneath them, the cheeks, and the trapezoid-shaped chin. Draw two wide, inverted, "V" shaped lines in the middle of the face.
Drawing Step 2

2. Finish sketching the Gundam's head. Use straight lines to enclose a large "V" shape above the face. Enclose an inverted pentagon at its center, and give this a three-dimensional appearance using a "Y" shaped line Use straight and curved lines to draw the rectangular shapes on each side of the face. Shade four small squares inside each. Connect the "V" to the visor and the sides of the face using curved lines.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use straight lines to enclose two partial trapezoids at the center of the "V." Draw a small circle on each side of the head, and shade a smaller circle within it. Then, begin sketching the chest and shoulder. Use straight lines to outline the trapezoidal neck, the boxlike chest, cubelike shoulder, and top of the arm.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw the shield - an elongated hexagon - using six straight lines. Enclose a smaller elongate hexagon inside it. Near the top, draw a small rectangle, and shade a smaller rectangle within it. Draw straight lines at the corner and along one side of the inner hexagon. Use curved lines to enclose the hand.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use eight curved lines to draw a four-pointed star shape on the shield. Draw two small circles near the top. Then, detail the Gundam's chest. Draw two rectangles crossed by straight horizontal lines. Between them, enclose a five-sided shape. Draw a horizontal line across the middle and a triangle on one side. Then, enclose two trapezoids in the bottom half.
Drawing Step 6

6. Enclose long, narrow trapezoid shapes to form the torso. Draw a short line across the corner for a three-dimensional appearance. Then, use straight lines to enclose the rectangular arm, with partial circles and a curved rectangle at the elbow.
Drawing Step 7

7. Complete the torso. Use curved and straight lines to enclose the irregular shapes. Then, draw the hand, using overlapping curved lines. From the hand, extend a pair of curved lines, allowing them to meet at a sharp point. Band the swordlike weapon with a short curved line near the hand.
Add More Details to Your Chibi SD Gundam Picture - Step 8

8. Detail the torso with small squares and a straight line. Then, use curved and straight lines to sketch the four irregularly shaped segments of the leg and foot. Draw ovals as joints between the segments.
Complete the Outline of Your Chibi SD Gundam Drawing - Step 9

9. Detail the foot with perpendicular curved lines. Then, use curved and straight lines to sketch the four irregularly shaped segments of the leg and foot. Draw ovals as joints between the segments.
Color Your Chibi SD Gundam Drawing

Color your cartoon Gundam.
Learn More About The Chibi SD Gundam Drawing
What happens when you mix the chibi art style - which morphs familiar characters into childlike forms with oversized heads and large eyes - with heavily armed, mechanized Gundam battle suits? You get anime magic!
SD Gundam stands for Superior Defender or Super Deformed Gundam. This media franchise expresses classic Gundam characters and unique ones in cute chibi style.
During the 1980s, a student submitted a drawing of a chibi gundam to a model toy magazine. By 1985, the oddly proportioned robot-like characters had serialized comics and small toys.
Soon, they expanded to manga, anime, trading cards, and video games.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Would you like to draw a cute chibi Gundam cartoon? This easy, step-by-step chibi anime cartoon drawing tutorial can show you how.
Get set for a robot battle - learn to draw Optimus Prime from Transformers.
For more easy chibi tutorials, see How to Draw Chibi Rey from Star Wars and How to Draw a Chibi Deadpool.
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