Learn how to draw a great looking Cute Doll with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Cute Doll.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Cute Doll

How to Draw a Great Looking Cute Doll for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the cute doll outline by drawing her large eyes. Use two curved lines to sketch the gently pointed shape of each eye.
Enclose two partial ovals and two small ovals in each eye. Shade around the small ones to form the pupils. Draw a short curved line between them to indicate the nose.
Drawing Step 2

2. Draw the lips below the nose. Use two curved lines that meet at a gentle point in the middle for the opening of the mouth.
Then use curved lines to sketch the lips around it. Draw a short line at each color of the mouth. Then, shade the curved triangular eyelashes around each eye.
Notice how the lashes get larger near the outer corners.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Use long curved lines to outline the face. Extend additional lines from the sides of the face, and to enclose the hair and bun on top of the head.
Drawing Step 4

4. Draw long curved lines parallel to those at the side of the face, forming locks of hair Draw short lines between the face and the hair, forming the ears.
Then, use curved lines to enclose the triangular neck and collar of the shirt, as well as the shoulders and arm.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use long curved lines to draw the remaining shirt sleeve. Then, draw overlapping “U” shaped lines to form the fingers and thumb.
Drawing Step 6

6. Use “U” shaped lines to draw the remaining fingers, and curved lines to detail the palm of the hand. Enclose a rounded square on the front of her shirt. This will become the knot of a large bow.
Drawing Step 7

7. Use curved lines to enclose the sides of the bow. Then, extend long curved lines to form the sides of the dress.
Connect them with a series of scalloped lines. Below the dress, extend a curved line and double it back on itself to enclose the leg and foot.
Add More Details to Your Cute Doll Picture - Step 8

8. Use a series of curved lines that meet at sharp points to connect the sides of the hair.
Extend another curved line below the dress, doubling it back on itself to form the remaining leg. Band each leg and foot with lines to form the shoes and socks.
Complete the Outline of Your Cute Doll Drawing - Step 9

9. Texture the hair, bow, and skirt with curved lines.
Color Your Cute Doll Drawing

Your cute doll outline is now complete. You can choose the colors to use for her hair, eyes, and clothing.
For more great toys drawing tutorials, see the collection of Easy How to Draw Toys Tutorials.
Learn More About The Cute Doll Drawing
It's playtime! This cute doll drawing is ready for a playdate.
Cuteness is part of what makes dolls so appealing. This one has all the cuteness markers, including a large head and eyes. She also wears makeup and a pretty dress.
Whether you're playing tea party, house, or something else, you'll need more than one doll. Add this Barbie doll drawing and LOL Surprise doll drawing to your collection.
Don't worry, because none of these dolls are difficult to draw. Our easy, step-by-step drawing tutorials will walk you through each and every line.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Rag Doll or Kewpie Doll Drawing tutorials.
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