Learn how to draw a great looking Fern with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Fern.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Fern

How to Draw a Great Looking Fern for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin the fern outline by drawing the leaf vein or midrib. Use two long curved lines that meet at a sharp point at the top.
At the bottom, connect the lines using a short curved line. From the side of the vein, extend a series of horizontal curved lines. These are the pinna or main leaflets.
Drawing Step 2

2. Continue drawing curved lines on that side of the leaf. Notice how they get shorter as they near the apex or tip of the leaf. Then, draw successively shorter curved lines on the opposite side.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Each pinna is made up of smaller leaflets called pinnules. You will draw the pinnules next.
Along the curved line, make a series of curved triangle shapes, drawing pairs of curved lines and allowing them to meet at a point.
Notice how the shapes are larger near the midrib and smaller at the pinna’s tip.
Drawing Step 4

4. Finish the pinnules of the lowest pinna, then move on to the second row.
Drawing Step 5

5. Use pairs of curved lines that meet at points to draw the pinnules on the third and fourth rows of the pinna.
Drawing Step 6

6. Continue to draw pinnules, using pairs of curved lines that meet at points. Remember that the shapes should be larger near the center of the leaf and smaller at its edges.
Drawing Step 7

7. Continue to enclose the pointed, zig-zag shape of the fern leaves.
Add More Details to Your Fern Picture - Step 8

8. As you reach the smallest pinna near the leaf’s apex, you no longer have to enclose individual shapes.
Instead, use a series of curved lines that meet at jagged points, noting how the lines don’t intersect the left veins.
Complete the Outline of Your Fern Drawing - Step 9

9. Complete the fern frond using curved lines that meet at points. Use additional lines for leaf veins when needed.
Color Your Fern Drawing

Your fern outline is now complete. Color your cartoon plant. Ferns are usually bright green in color, with some tinged in red, purple, or brown.
If you are creating an imaginary scene, your fern frond can be any color you want!
For more great easy cartoon drawing tutorials, see the collection of How to Draw Easy Cartoons for Beginners.
Learn More About The Fern Drawing
Would you like to learn how to draw a fern? This easy, step-by-step cartoon plant drawing tutorial is here to show you how.
Ferns don't have flowers, but they are interesting plants nonetheless. Each "leaf" is called a frond or blade. It is made of smaller sections called pinna. Each pinna is made up of little leaflets called pinnules.
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Ferns can set an exotic scene. They are reminiscent of palm trees, which also have deeply pinnate leaves. You can learn how to draw a palm tree here.
Ferns often grow in forests, like the one in this cartoon forest drawing. Fern-filled forests call to mind places like New Zealand or the redwood forests of California.
For more easy and fun guides, see the How to Draw a Cartoon Sunflower or Seaweed Drawing tutorials.
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