Learn how to draw a great looking Fly with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.
By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Fly.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Fly

How to Draw a Great Looking Fly for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

1. Begin by drawing the fly's head. Use a series of curved lines to outline the shape of the head. Notice the nearly flat base of the head, and the two circular protrusions at the front of the head. For each eye, enclose a small oval within a larger oval.
Drawing Step 2

2. Use a curved line to enclose an elongate shape at the base of the head. Then, use a second line to enclose another curved shape.
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Drawing Step 3

3. Extend a curved line from each side of the fly's neck. Allow the lines to meet in a sharp point, enclosing the thorax, or middle section, of the fly.
Drawing Step 4

4. Use a curved line to enclose a curved shape, following the curvature of the pointed tip of the thorax. Then, use a long curved line to enclose the rounded shape of the abdomen.
Drawing Step 5

5. Draw the fly's wing. Extend a long, curved line from the thorax. Double the line back on itself to attach to the abdomen.
Drawing Step 6

6. Draw the remaining wing. Begin by extending the line from the thorax. Again, double the line back upon itself and connect it to the abdomen.
Drawing Step 7

7. Draw the fly's front legs, erasing guide lines as necessary. Just below the neck, extend two curved lines. The lines should be roughly parallel and connected at the base. Notice how the lines bend twice, creating segments in the legs. Allow the lines to meet in a sharp point. Texture the leg with short lines, and repeat this process to form a mirror image on the opposite side.
Add More Details to Your Fly Picture - Step 8

8. Draw two curved lines extending upwards from the front of the head, forming the antennae. Texture the body and wings using curved lines of various lengths.
Complete the Outline of Your Fly Drawing - Step 9

9. Draw the fly's rear legs. For each leg, extend a pair of curved lines from beneath the wing. Allow the lines to connect in a sharp point, and repeat on the opposite side to create a mirror image.
Color Your Fly Drawing

10. Color your fly. The common housefly in black in color, but flies also come in a variety of colors. For example, some are metallic green or blue.
Check out our selection of animal drawing guides for even more high flying fun.
For more great Drawing Ideas tutorials, see the 100 Easy and Fun Drawing Ideas post.
Learn More About The Fly Drawing
"There was an old lady who swallowed a fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - perhaps she'll die!"
- Children's nursery rhyme.
"There's a fly in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!" "Shoo, fly, don't bother me." These and other folk songs and nursery rhymes illustrate the universal struggle of man against the ever-present fly.
Scientifically, flies are called diptera, from a Greek word meaning "two wings."
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Why are flies so difficult to swat? They are equipped with a special organ called halteres. The halteres, located under the wings, help the fly to steer and maneuver.
Flies also have fast reflexes and many-faceted eyes that allow them to look in many directions at once. While being fast, flies aren't smart at all, since they often fall for the Venus Flytrap that secretes nectar on to its open traps.
There may be a million species of flies worldwide, but only around 125,000 have been catalogued.
They appear in ancient art, such as seals found in Babylon or beads from ancient Mesopotamia. Flies are also mentioned in ancient literature, such as the Bible, and in mythology.
Perhaps the most famous flies have appeared in children's entertainment, such as the animated film A Bug's Life (1998).
Would you like to draw a fly? This simple, step-by-step drawing guide is here to help. All you will need is a sheet of paper, a pencil, and an eraser, you may also wish to color your finished drawing.
If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Squirrel drawing, Bat drawing, and Bed bug drawing.
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