How to Draw a Sand Castle

Learn how to draw a great looking Sand Castle with easy drawing instructions and video tutorial.

By following the simple steps, you too can easily draw a perfect Sand Castle.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Sand Castle

How to Draw a Great Looking Sand Castle for Kids and Beginners - Step 1

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 01

1. Begin your sand castle outline by drawing a horizontal curved line and doubling it back on itself. This will become the base of the sandcastle.

Drawing Step 2

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 02

2. Continue to draw the base of the sandcastle using a curved line. Use additional curved lines to sketch the lumpy shapes of extra sand.

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Drawing Step 3

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 03

3. Draw more mounds of sand at the opposite side of the base. Use curved lines to trace the irregular shapes.

Drawing Step 4

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 04

4. Draw long curved lines to finish drawing the melting sand at the bottom of the castle.

Drawing Step 5

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 05

5. Texture the mound of sand with additional curved lines.

Drawing Step 6

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 06

6. Next, use straight lines to build the walls of the castle. Draw four parallel, vertical lines.

Then, use straight lines to draw the rectangular watchtower walls at the top. Use straight and curved lines to enclose the arch-shaped doorway and windows.

Drawing Step 7

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 07

7. Draw a tall tower on top of the castle. Extend a pair of convergent straight lines. From these, draw short lines that slant outward.

On top of the structure, draw a narrow horizontal rectangle and a curved triangle. Draw a horizontal line across the tower as well as an arch-shaped window.

Add More Details to Your Sand Castle Picture - Step 8

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 08

8. Extend a straight line vertically from the top of the castle. Draw a small circle on top of it and a triangle extending from its side. This forms a flag or pennant.

Complete the Outline of Your Sand Castle Drawing - Step 9

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 09

9. Complete your sand castle outline by drawing a small shovel alongside it. Draw the bowl of the shovel using a "U" shaped line, with two parallel lines for the shaft.

Draw another "U" shaped line to form the handle, with the ends connected by a straight line. Draw another, similar shape within the handle. Finally, contour the bowl of the shovel with curved lines.

Color Your Sand Castle Drawing

Sand Castle step-by-step drawing tutorial: step 10

Color your cartoon sand castle. Sand is usually a light brown color, but it can range from white to black and every color in between.

Easy, step by step Sand Castle drawing tutorial
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Learn More About The Sand Castle Drawing

Get ready for a day at the beach! Have a staycation and learn how to draw a sand castle cartoon. This easy, step-by-step sand castle outline tutorial will show you how.

Sand castles are a type of sand art. Water makes the tiny quartz crystals, volcanic glass, and stone of the sand stick together so it can be shaped.

This combination of sand and water makes the beach an ideal place to build a sandcastle.

Sandcastles can easily be built by shaping the sand with a plastic bucket. But sand art doesn't stop with castles.

Elaborate sculptures can be made from sand. Each year, sand art competitions are held around the world.

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.

Sand sculptures are unique because of their transitory nature. Unlike most art, they are not designed to last for a long time. When the tide comes in, they are washed away.

Even if you're not at the beach today, you can still have fun with this sandcastle. Don't forget to bring your beach ball and sunglasses!

If you liked this drawing tutorial, see also the following guides: Cartoon Castle drawing, Beach drawing, and Beach Ball drawing.

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